Several years ago I was told that DNA is yin in nature; yang is energy which interacts with it.
Keeping this point in my mind, I've read about an issues with replicating the cells being mostly related to DNA in which chains are getting smaller and smaller when replication takes place - and the limit as the research revealed was 50 possible replications. When the replication occurs 50 times, it is not possible any more. So it seems like it does not recieve / have enough energy to combine all those atoms. Here the delibarate conscious "spiritual" work comes in of providing necessery energy for the molecules and cells in order to keep their functions intact and in original state. However, while energy is important, and is probably the biggest reason on how to keep body functioning perfectly and unbroken at cellural and atomic level, I don't think energy is the only factor playing role here, yet most important. Keeping the whole organism in such a perfect state takes more than that, on which we can learn from some ancient texts like from Egypt, India or China.
Did anyone worked on deliberate modification of his or her own DNA - with light (not technology)? Any experiences to share? Life as we know it works thanks to this blueprint (DNA), which is a very special combination of atoms and is in the core of how organism works and how is shaped. This means that working with it directly, rather than indirectly through external manipulation, may result in a direct control over the whole organism at will, including rapid regeneration, producing enzymes etc. With combination of glands and hormons in this way we gain mastery and control over life.
I am currently researching this subject and wondering to what degree DNA is an intelligent system which interacts - intelligently - with energy as quality, or not and then is more mechanical in nature and as such requires more details to be taken into account when trying to modify it. It's worth to note that DNA changes anyway, e.g. when in an ill state. It is a flexible mechanism. Logical analysis suggests the former, as consciousness plays a big role here. Research in progress.