“The Personality Retires.”

What a nice way to put it. I want to keep this.
Was clearly heard just at the point of wakening.
2 days previously had been pondering over the question of who we are when we die. At what stage do we remember? But what is it that we remember? No one knows, we just have theories and maybe one of them is convincing for us to latch onto, but I prefer to learn and find out myself.
All these different characters I’ve been . The boy with the silver/ white wig on I was shown twice in period costume ,which I felt at the time was me.
I wish Google or Safari would give me the answer.
If I stay Susan then has that boy and all the rest of us ( me) gone for good?
There are answers out there but I don’t know them as truths.

So ... The Personality Retires.....
I don’t have to be this personality anymore. It Retires, BUT it doesn’t dissolve. In physical life I could come out of retirement if I wished, but I don’t . So maybe I can bring up my personality on the other side, or in fact any previous personality when and if it is beneficial. Later I re- incarnate as Tom, but part of me stays aware in the spirit world . Tom struggles with how to make an apple pie , but the Susan part of Tom knows and tries to get the information through.The boy in the early 18000 knows something of his time that Tom is struggling with and tries to get through to him. Tom later passes on just like Susan and the young boy.
Does he now retire his personality and remember, or is there a process to go through first before remembering?
One thing I have been helped on is the first part of my Signature below.