
I am thankful that Robert Bruce has maintained his forum for many reasons for all of us. Today, I was googling to find a lesson on Hermetic Alchemy to promote angelic ascension.

I found this thread.

I see that I was incomplete and inexact.

No discussion of Akasha can occur without considering minor and major or lesser and greater Akasha.

Purple is the colour of minor Akasha which occurs early on and might be considered already risen in the newborns of this world as our planet slowly spiritually evolves.

Just as humanity in a pre WWII birth was pervasively dichotomised as male red earth and female blue water and largely incapable of the teeniest flame of fire without concerted effort.We were like proto-cave dwellers unable to fathom how or why we might cultivate fire.Scavengers and hunters not domesticating flora or fauna yet,perhaps 70,000 years ago.

But we evolved.

Now most children are born much less dichotomous much more androgenous and certaninly beyond red and blue people.

Some are born already with silver and gold and aware they have cultivated this from past soul ascensions.

And those are still few. There have been angels walking amonst us since we dwelt in the cradle of Africa.
As humanity slowly evolves ,there are more and more aware of the importance of cultivating angelic consciousness and lifting self up by serving the all; with love and compassion ; to inspire, heal, forgive, teach, learn, protect and share.

The minor or lesser akasha is purple this alchemical marriage of red and blue. From the minor or lesser akasha truly all things flow to become tetrapolar and beyond this to manifest the moon and the sun.

Purple is cool, calming, awakening, opening of the dreamer and wondrous. Purple is the alpha and omega before and after each stage .Purple is the retreat ,the sanctuary to which the energy body returns to a state of rest before further works begin in awe and wonder reflecting upon the beauty and marvellous complexity of the human soul, spirit and consciousness.

Due to the international pandemic we should take care of each other spiritually for the wellbeing of each other to move forward and get past this global soft war.

Take Care.