Well, if the theoretical approach is taken, I know this so far:

1. leading
2. adjustment
3. creativity
4. reasoning
5. innovation
6. harmonizing
7. understanding
8. organizing
9. loving

9 is a special number, creativity powered, an absolute, divine mastery. 7-9 numbers are most difficult, most 'abstract'. 1-3 numbers are most simple, most basic, and hence may seem to be easier to handle. This is what I learnt so far.

I don't know much about 2-digit numbers, but I'd say that they are more complex than one-digit ones. My intuitive take on them is that they should not be treated the same way as the "basic" ones, i.e. 1-9; they are complex in the sense that they are compound of more than one digit: the first digit is leading, the others (those in the middle) are following and hence less important, and the ending number is again important, as it as a final "touch", maybe something like an ascendant, probably the most individualistic 'shade' of the whole personality, i.e. most related to 'self', rather than 'else'. But this is just my intuitive view of how to deal with them.

Number 10, then, seems to be a very special case as it has "0" as the other number. My understanding is that it could be sort of "manager", "commander" as overall quality, etc.: 1 at the beginning means leading then, while 0 - an empty "digit" - means sacrifice for a group. BTW 10 is definitely an anti-definition of myself

Taking all of that very theoretical background into account, 2 seems to be a suggestion for being "of lesser importance" and taking on the groups' tendencies. If this is so, I must say I had a hard time dealing with such situations, as I was always on the "against" (everything, everyone) side, with my revolutionary ideas. Uranus is very prominent in my birth chart.