-getting my beautiful dolce & gabbana sunglasses today in the mail
-getting my beautiful balenciaga socks today
-D responding to me today saying he's just been going through the motions lately
-M saying she will be ready to go to the gym next week
-charcoal mouthwash
-cleaning the living room air purifier
-using the humidfier
-getting starbucks today
-my beauty
-looking like a model
-having a great body
-working on creative projects
-having a baby face
-feeling more empowered
-finding another phone charger to use
-drinking more water
-self forgiveness
-♥♥♥♥♥ relief
-cleaning products
-my acupressure mat
-having toned muscles
-my creativity
-having beautiful eyes
-being kind
-having a baby face
-great design
-inner peace
-feeling my feelings and almost feeling an aliveness
-tissue salts
-my wit
-having a baby voice