In last night dream the dream started when I felt that a cat jumped into my bed and sat down becides my head...I jumped of fear and was awake in the dream...a thought come to son had a cat when he was a child....but I never bonded with that cat....Now I was in the dream going into my house and the cat tried to follow me into the house...but I closed the coor infront of the the cat had come inside and I was did the cat get into the house...and I turnded my back to the cat...and the cat patted me on my back...I turned around and now there where 3 more very little and tried to make it smaller for me not to be afraid....and a white/brown fluffy cat...I said...gently and it patted me with gently paw...and then there was a old cat with only one eye and this helped me to come over my fear.....thank you!