-getting paid
-hearing back from another boss
-having jobs coming up
-having clean teeth
-my new toner
-being smart
-ordering hair bleach
-ordering black hiking shoes with sparkles on them
-drinking water
-being rational
-mailing my dad's birthday card finally
-healthy digestion
-pet safe pesticide spray
-cool uses for technology
-having great taste
-redeeming a $75 off juvederm deal
-great ideas
-ordering an ipl certificate
-clean socks
-physical exercise
-getting an apple crisp macchiato yesterday
-my pink light
-my beauty
-hot drinks
-things slowly returning to a new normal
-being able to think for myself
-cat hugs
-being kind
-learning a lot this year
-being in the trends
-having goals
-M being there for me
-working through my feelings