Yes, I think that many, or most of, people here are in need of rules. And they are trained here in schools just like dogs are trained
But the thing is that although we all have 2 legs and 2 hands, not all humans in the similar, human "shell" are on the same level. However, regardless their level, all go to the same schools, where they are trained with the same rules, just like you indicated. The same is with churches
I don't consider churches to be important, however I get your point that some people need lists of sins to be avoided - to be heard from authorities
I don't think I need a church, and I never listened to teachers telling me what rules to believe in, and what not.
Do you mean what I prefer to do when I'm going to die?
I prefer not to die.
I mean, I am going to focus on prolongating my physical life, possibly forever, this is what I think about the idea of death.
Besides, I don't know what is true about the after-worlds, I don't consider OBE experiences to be reliable, nor interviews with people who had NDE or were under hypnosis telling about their life when they had no physical bodies. Scientifically speaking, these interveiws are not reliable, and I don't consider them to be a propriate souce of the objective information about the true reality... So it's virtually impossible to tell what you are going to do if you don't know what environment to expect.
I think there are needed some better ways and approach to researching the reality than the current approach, in both scientific and non-scientific way.
All experiences in the end depend on a sort of perception, also scientific research. If one has some unusual experiences, then he or she may believe in them, but whether they are objectively real, is another thing.
By the way, do you write now the same dream diaries both on the old and on the new forums?