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  1. #11


    -doing some creative writing and being in a bit of a poetic mood the last few days
    -losing another pound, so being down the most i've been in 2 years now, 19 pounds down.
    -standing up for myself
    -being able to take care of myself
    -working some jobs this month
    -my humidifier helping my nose bleeds go away and my skin get more hydrated and stop peeling, and allergies calm down
    -hanging out with A
    -realizing A and I did have a connection all this time that was kind of beautiful and remembering our first time meeting and all that
    -really nice things A said when we had a fight and i told him it wasnt going to work because of several things, including my weight, the things he said about me self sabotaging etc
    -processing A flaking on me a few days after our fight and letting him go, grieving it and forgiving him
    -deciding to text A a get out of jail free card just to know nothing was wrong and to go back to normal telling him i didn't need an explanation and let's just go back to normal and he texted me right away and tried calling(i was on the other line)and he gave me what i asked for. Talking normal. A b.s excuse for flaking and acting like we were a few months ago.
    -hud calling me back after praying a lot the other night
    -the pharmacy calling me today to switch my medicine in a format i can take
    -neighbor boy i liked randomly texting me a few days after i hung out with A apologizing several times and wanting to see me
    -that people like my lips
    -having a nice looking new work selfie i like
    -doing liquor work again which i like
    -deepening my empathy and patience with P cat
    -getting a new lamp to alter the lighting a little in my living room for my mood
    -after my mediation turned out to be awful and not at all what i thought, finding out i was pre-approved for rental assistance back in august and just overlooked it
    -my ex S contacting me the other day
    -ordering chakra tea for the crown and trying it out the other day
    -night skies
    -propranol which helps me calm down
    -being resourceful
    -my allergies being better
    -working consistently
    -that S can provide me with a lease for the rental assistance since he is a landlord
    -becoming open to letting more help in despite my pride such as S with bringing my stuff to storage possibly next week
    -my ambition increasing a little
    -being in a new style and beauty aesthetic and over the blonde and other things i was doing
    -buying my hyaluronic lip booster that i love finally
    -staying somewhat calm and strong amidst the storm i'm in with the eviction and moving stuff going on and counting on prayer and being open to help from different places
    -that i eat less calories these days
    -paying my comed bill again this month, a small thing that is just another sign and showing of me rebuilding and really trying
    -trying to raise my vibration and thinking differently
    -trying to organize myself and what i have to do mentally
    -packing a bag of stuff to go to storage
    -clorox wipes
    -utilizing the vacuum a few times recently and how great it was
    -being friendly
    -picking my battles
    -my wisdom
    -my savage side and my family history that gives me some savage blood
    -my winter coat and how chic it is
    -having great fashion sense
    -looking young
    -guys complimenting my lips a lot these days
    -innovative options to stay looking young
    -being really close to ready to do something with first career
    -motivating myself and staying determined
    -my beauty
    -doing some more reading today of my book on hsp's
    -having a loving heart
    -becoming more into my feminine energy this year
    -new goals
    -evolving as a person
    -my older friend J who's really been an angel this year
    Last edited by buttercup; 2nd November 2023 at 09:39 AM.

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