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Thread: Meet an alien during an astral projection

  1. #1
    Antoll MA Guest

    Meet an alien during an astral projection

    Hi everyone,

    I would like to know if someone met an alien during an astral projection,
    or in the RTZ (real time zone).

  2. #2

    well, not exactly...

    While AP'ing I once met a man on a bridge, as we were both crossing over a river, going the opposite directions. For some reason I stopped him and asked; "Are aliens real?" He didn't answer, but just looked at me. As I looked into his eyes, his pupils started to disappear and turned into empty holes, and I was staring straight into space.

    Go figure...

  3. #3
    Neg Guest
    Yes, of various races. A lot of them are just like humans, outside of physical appearance. One race seemed to share a common mind, from what I could tell.

  4. #4
    Antoll MA Guest
    -> Sola Neid, Neg,

    Could you draw something?
    Do you know where they are from?

  5. #5
    Neg Guest
    I'm not very good at drawing unless I have the target in front of me while I do it. One race looked like your stereotypical gray, and acted stereotypically also. If you've ever played the Ocarina of Time (sp?) on the n64, the water people in the game looked very similar to one race. Oh, when a small alien boy came and told me i was his relative - i saw my relflection in a window and saw myself as a short (3-4 feet) brown alien with a bulging cranium and one eye.

    Last night, I had another experience of coming in contact with a couple other races. One were almost identical to humans, with the exception of a few differences in their biological systems. Other races lived in the same enviroment they did, as well. Unfortunately it seemed they were were a ruling elite made up of humans. My gut tells me they were the ruling class - the government and the leading corporations combined as one with the military.

    The lower class/underground were at war. Most of the time I was just snooping around a building controlled by the elite. A lot of the technology was the same. Their elevators were really strange, though - made up of some blueish see-through material, and evidently I was in the female elevator or something.

    Well, i joined in on with a group of rebels, which also contained humans. The leader was talking, and told me about their goals and background. They called themselves nematoids/nematoads. I asked if I was a nematoad, and she said, "no, you don't have a pulse." They were telling me how their enemies abused and used the plants there in a savage manner. They said great wisdom could be found from the plants, that they were elderly spirits. They said something about solar-something and of it being of tremendous worth, and they just slaughtered the plants like they had no value of life.

    Well, I ended up going solo and attacking a couple areas. Saw some 3-4 feet aliens similar to the one i described in the first paragrpah working on their version of computers. I ended up being attacked and have a knife stabbed into my left forearm, and then someone else came and shot my brains out. I instantly was back in my body when I 'died'.

  6. #6
    Neg Guest
    i have a theory about the language. i have my doubts they all speak english - you just receive their thoughts and the closest meaning of it automatically given.

  7. #7
    Antoll MA Guest
    -> Sola Neid, Neg,

    Could they enter in our physical world?

  8. #8
    myhoran Guest
    Dear Antoll- Yes, in 1994-1995 a reptoid materialized in my living room @ 3:17AM and I was AWAKE( I have worked the night shift for 22 years and habitually stay up on my nights off also); 6 months later a grey stood over my bed @ 5:15AM as I woke up. I took a round-house swing @ it and it disappeared. I view these beings as demonic. Blessings, myhoran

  9. #9
    myhoran Guest
    Addendum- And yes, they do speak English.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    about 8-9 years ago my astral abductions (something I really haven't talked about before) began right after a dream about grays in my house. They were your archetypal grays, and then in a few of my more lucid abductions (in most of them I lost consciousness right after being floated up into a gray cloud) I saw two types: The grays and also humanoid figures (looked completely human except for the eyes- there was something 'wrong' with them- almost mechanical). There were two types: Blonde 'nordic' types and 'asian'-ish looking ones (with the same 'wrong' eyes.) All female, except I couldn't say what gender the greys were.
    Of course, growing up I read a lot of science-fiction, so this could have been my own subconscious trying to explain why I was forcefully being removed out of my body. The truth is I've never decided what these experiences were, so I call them 'experiences'.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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