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Thread: Interesting Experience

  1. #1
    Serenity Guest

    Interesting Experience

    I'm not looking for an interpretation, rather just looking to share my experience because I find it so... interesting. My dreams, lucid dreaming or not, are full of symbolism and all that good stuff. This one, however, was so to the point that it had me in shocked silence the whole dream.

    I spent the whole of the day before yesterday and yesterday fighting of a bloody tough headcold. I consider myself to be pretty tough when it comes to pain, but this...

    Anyway, I went to bed feeling rather miserable because I'd spent the day going through waves of starting to feel better only to be overwhelmed by illness again. (The waves of starting to feel better only came because of the fierce determination of my lover to fight off the illness.)

    I went to sleep and was immediately in a dream where I was laying on a large slab of stone, staring up at the sky. I had a brief glimpse of myself as my being seemed to drop into my dream body. I was wearing a royal blue sari decorated with gold handwork.

    About a half dozen women all in different colored saris bustled around me, seeming to pay me no attention at the same time as catering to things I might need. Sort of like a scene of a midieval birth in a movie with all the women running around for cloth and water and whatnot. (Which happened to be the things they were getting, but I wasn't giving birth.

    An old woman, whom I immediately recognized as a wise woman or Mother, came over to me, shaking her head. She told me (without using her voice, mind you) that my chakras were unbalanced and that was why the illness kept overwhelming me. She went on to "say" that she had fixed them and that things would progress like they were supposed to.

    I was a bit embarassed to be talked down to like that; as if I was somehow being a disappointing student to my teacher. There were a few other things like adjusting of the part of my sari on my head and such, but not much more. For a while I just lay there propped up on my elbows (they wouldn't let me sit or get off the slab of stone) watching the women.

    Then I woke up.

    I woke up today and have been taking it easy, and all I have left to deal with is a little cough and the sniffles.

    As far as any feelings during the dream, mostly just that of being a disappointing student, though it wasn't a teacher/student relationship. More of one in which she was the head woman of the group supposed to watch over me. Also the very strong feeling that this is an important time in my life so I'd better start taking much better care of myself. (I tend to stress easily.)

    Anyway, any thoughts, similar experiences, anything would be nice. I know I've prattled on a bit, but it's still stuck in my head clear as cloudless day. Very very different.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Although I think this dream could reflect your dissappointment in being sick, (part of you feels guilty for 'letting' you get sick), as some kind of moral wrongdoing, this could also be an illness-induced connection to some sort of alternate existence (someone in India is sick, and she is part of your incarnation experience). And finally, the last interpretation: your higher self just balanced your chakras and you should be feeling better soon, and that's how your mind interpreted it.
    Let us know how you feel in a couple of days.
    Did she say what needed tweaking?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Serenity Guest
    Just something to the effect that things were unbalanced/out of alignment.

    I'm still fighting it off because it keeps moving around, but it's much weaker than it was.

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