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Thread: lucid dream - 1st week of MAP

  1. #1
    stargazer Guest

    lucid dream - 1st week of MAP

    Hiya fellow dreamers,

    I'm in the first week of MAP and had a lucid dream which was a nice surprise. I'm a common lucid dreamer but haven't had many lately, as I've been more worn out and I only have LDs when I'm well rested.

    I was having a dream about being late for high school class, blah blah blah, when I suddenly put my head up and said out loud "Hey, I already graduated, years ago" dropped the books, and walked away from the dream entirely. (This is incredibly therapeutic.. especially when you start arguing with your supposed authority figures)

    The next thing I was aware of was walking around in a large room with wooden floors and I was walking slowly, to help maintain lucidity equilibrium... my thoughts were calm and slow. At one point I caught sight of myself in a mirror and my left eye was oriented wrong, so that it the "longer" axis of my eye was pointing up and down, rather than the normal horizontal axis. (My right eye was okay) Never seen THAT in a dream reflection before!! At one point I ran up a staircase, enjoying the stimulating feel of my heels pounding on the steps and how it enhanced the feeling of being present in the dream environment. I also paused and did a full body sweep of NEW... as in the past, patches of my "Dream" legs have felt blurry / out of phase before and I wanted to check on that progress. This time I got really good flow up through my legs... with tingling and warmth, signalling good energy flow to my dream body. I did feel pressure around my eyes signalling blockages there. Maybe why my left eye was flipped. This is a good indicator as I've been working from the ground up, and if my eyes are problem areas, than everything below is working better!

    There was a skip in time (which I suppose is better than waking up) and I was in a cabin in a snowy place, approaching a door. I opened the door and found the "outer" door and felt some nervous apprehension about opening it without being able to see what was on the other side of it. Classic fears of the unknown / astral, I guess... So I closed the first door, and wished hard for a tropical scenario to appear on the other side. Other people were with me but I was aware that they were dream versions of those people that I was using to populate my dream that were just aspects of myself, so as not to feel completely alone in the environment. I asked those aspects to also focus on a nice tropical scenario, but when I opened the 1st door, on the other side was a large wooden board. No door at all, and very much of a "NO GO." feeling. Odd, that. So I shut the door and tried again, and when I opened it, the 2nd door was back but perhaps with a side window indicating that the snowy scenario was back. It was just going to be snow, no ifs ands or buts about it.

    Another skip in time forward, and I found myself outside in the snow, struggling against an inexorable wind, and literally YELLING at the wind. It was like waking up in the middle of doing this, which was a strange thing, but I was definitely yelling at the source of the wind, which seemed to be a sunny patch on the distant horizon. I felt like me and "one person" i.e. the Source of the wind were having a battle of wills and I was trying to see if I could resist this inexorable wind, that was dragging and pulling me backwards. I was not afraid or upset, I guess I was just... yelling. "MY WILL IS STRONGER!" I was yelling, and I was intrigued to hear the way my voice bounced through this environment. Reminded me of when I heard myself call out during my spontaneous OBE. It was almost like the environment was smaller than possible, or that I was bigger in the environment. Like I could just reach out to that sunny patch in the horizon and take it off, like a construction piece of paper. Anyways, the wind won.

    My only thought on this was that it was possible I experienced something like astral wind. I have never felt such a strong and inexorable force pulling me backwards, that also seemed to be having a universal effect on the environment I was in at the time. I've been in some mighty, mighty snowstorms before and that's certainly what it felt like. My instinct is that I was fighting against it because I was worried that I'd lose track of the experience. Which in essence I did, because after being pulled backwards and up, I don't even recall how much time passed before I woke up. It was not an instant, immediate thing.

    Great experience!! Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    cainam_nazier Guest
    Great experience!! Thanks for reading.
    Thanks for posting it. I would also like to say that you have a pretty good grasp of what was going on and seem to know the why's and what not's of what you were feeling and experiencing. That is great and a point that many have difficulty with.

    Keep up the good work.

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