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Thread: Experiences during meditation

  1. #1
    thehammer Guest

    Experiences during meditation

    I was meditating, or at least trying to, this morning. During the session (bear in mind that it has happened before) my head began to drop and I would have what I would describe as a very mild spasm, my head would jerk back. The same happened with my legs and feet, occasionally my feet would jolt. I was wondering, is this anything to do with the expansion of my energy body snapping back into it's usual place during waking state? Or is it something else?

    Another strange experience I had was a sound that I would describe as someone brushing or pressing their hands over/on my ears and releasing them, to create a slight "pulsing", with large gaps in between each "pulse," as it were. I've no idea what this is caused by. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
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    Does it feel that you are losing your balance when either thing happens? I ask this because both issues could be explained by middle ear problems. Does anyone in your family suffer from any form of ear problems?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    thehammer Guest
    No, I don't think anyone in my family does suffer from any ear problems. Yes, to some extent, I do feel like I am losing my balance. I find it quite hard to stay upright without my chin dropping to my chest, unless I meditate lying down. Maybe I should try harder to stay upright?

  4. #4
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    Well, I used to have a similar problem, my head would roll backwards, and I didn't realize it until I opened my eyes, . Once I was in a group meditation and when it was over everyone was staring at me. It was amazing that I didn't roll back and bang my head.
    Well, nowadays I meditate on a recliner, that way my big ol' head is supported and has nowhere to go. That pretty much solved my problem.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    thehammer Guest
    Ahhh, it's quite annoying isn't it? I have to steady myself everytime it happens. I guess it's preventing me from relaxed more and more. I think I'll try to meditate lying down next time .

  6. #6
    crappysurfer2 Guest
    hey ive had something similar, my head doesnt drop but i get that shock quite often, i get it constantly as my spirit leaves my body, my heartrate and breathing are low while this happens, and my concious brain is inactive, then i get what feels like an electric blast and i snap back into my body, i think that its the concious brain thinking that you are dying and it's trying to jump start you, hope this helped

  7. #7
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    Actually, your balance relies on a combination of fluid balance on the inner ear which it compares to the visual image of the horizon when you are looking at it. In meditation, when you close your eyes, it has to rely on the fluid 'horizon' to tell you which way is up. But in meditation, as you disengage from your senses, the brain then relies almost completely on the inner ear and other peripheral senses- so if there is any problem with the fluid, such as inflammation, or other structural (even temporary) change, then you will find yourself thinking you're up but actually being sideways, and when you open your eyes- BAM! you're jolted back to up (or down.) This is very disconcerting if you blow out your eardrum (as I did when scuba diving many years ago.) While healing I couldn't tell straight up from sideways even with my eyes open. A bar stool was out of the question- my bf had to hold me up, and it was very funny for all those around me.
    (edited due to a changed belief about hypnagogics).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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