Bloody Shade wrote:
Fourth: Try to sleep(this one is the hardest, I can't sleep )
After this, I usually daydream in that sleep-trying state, after some time, I get back from the daydream and find myself snoring(yeah I snore ). which would probably mean that my body is sleeping.
As Jalef said previously, don't try to sleep. And instead of daydreaming (daydreaming is ok if you can keep your focus on OBE'ing as Jalef said. If you need to daydream to get to that in-between state, interrupt it often to bring you back to the right-now.) If you can't keep the focus and the daydream takes you to sleepyland, then:
Concentrate on a spot in front of your closed eyes and keep the focus there. If you must daydream, bring it to your visual field and try to hold it there (not that easy.) If you start just 'noticing', or 'watching' what unfolds what is in front of your eyes, don't get emotionally involved in it, but do pay attention to it. If you feel you can't keep the focus, try to split awareness to your ear hiss + the visual focus at the same time.
At this point, three things may happen:
You will enter the vibratory stage(with possible sound effects) and be ready to make an OBE exit, or
A scene will present itself to you and you will be able to 'fall into it', or
You may fall asleep.
Good luck!