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Thread: overstimulating the third eye..a few thoughts

  1. #1
    chips Guest

    overstimulating the third eye..a few thoughts

    a few days ago i tried stimulating my third eye (6th chakra). which i havent done in a while. so i started stimulating it and got immediate results. but i went on and on and kept stimulating it with energy. the energy sensations then also moved through the top of my head (crown chakra). so now both of my top chakras were over activated when i only meant to activate one. unfortanately i all of a sudden felt i developed A.D.D. (which i really didnt, it was just the way i felt for that brief moment). my thoughts were going crazy and it was hard to focus on one task. the most random thoughts were popping into my head. i started gaining alot of physical energy as well and i tried to walk it off by simply walking around my house. i also started sensing spiritual energies all over my house. i tried to "de-stimulate" my chakras which worked a little but it didnt end until i fell asleep.

    i think i know why this happened. i was overly activating my sixth chakra, which is rooted to the brain. the seventh chakra is also rooted to the brain. so when i was over stimulating my sixth chakra, the excess energy must have flooded to my seventh chakra, thereby activating it. but both of them had way too much energy. and i was experiencing the abilities that came with them. it is my experience that precognition, clairvoyance, and clairsentience come from the sixth chakra. this is why i started sensing astral beings in my house. i couldent see them, but i could strongly sense them. then at the same time, i was unwillingly using telepathy, which comes from the seventh chakra. the random thoughts could have been from the spirits, or it could have been from my neighbors. active mental energy can become physical energy. some of the leftover energy seems to have gone straight down to my root chakra, and i immediately felt as if i could run a few miles. i was wondering if anyone could give me any thoughts on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    A question and a mundane explanation-
    i tried to "de-stimulate" my chakras which worked a little
    How do you de-stimulate a chakra?It's possible that you stimulated the amygdala, which if stimulated on one of the sides only, will make you feel "like there's someone there with you."Any chance that could be it?

    info on the amygdala:

    even more info: ... enceID=473
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    chips Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    A question and a mundane explanation-
    i tried to "de-stimulate" my chakras which worked a little
    How do you de-stimulate a chakra?It's possible that you stimulated the amygdala, which if stimulated on one of the sides only, will make you feel "like there's someone there with you."Any chance that could be it?

    info on the amygdala:

    even more info: ... enceID=473
    im not sure if it could be the amygdala. i wasent meditating when i was activating my chakras. the method i use for "de-stimulating" chakras is by using opposite colors. for example, when i was getting very physically active, i knew that my root chakra was activated, i also know that particular chakra is associated with the color red, so i visualized a blue cloud of energy coming into my mouth (as i breathed in) and going straight down to my root chakra, turning it blue. this was definately calming me down. red is a stimulating energy, and blue is a calming energy. as for the brow and the crown chakra, i did the same breathing color excercise except i used some red, and after finding out that it wasent too effective, i tried using white. it worked immediately and my mind was calming down. im sure u know that when healers arent sure what color to use, they normally call upon white.
    when my mind was going crazy, i was going to use the color blue, since blue is a calming color, and at that moment, my mind was anything but calm, but luckily i stopped myself because blue would have most likely activated my brow chakra even more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Interesting. I'll have to remember that when I need de-stimulating.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    sash Guest
    It appears to me that in first activation of the third eye (or several firsts) the energetic circuit first needs to be 'fired' connecting in the mid-third eye area to the front-third eye area and then back up into the crown. Try doing it again and you may find nothing happens because the circuit has been built and can now handle a larger load of energy without becoming overloaded as quickly.

  6. #6
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    Perth Western Australia
    Imho , chakras should be opened in balance , any "overstimulation" will be temporary in nature resolving itself . I am not sure I agree with an idea of "destimulation " . I feel that grounding and stimulating are more accurate terms . Certainly bringing down cold blue energy would ground you . But I do not believe that we can close chakras or overstimulate or destimulate them per se .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  7. #7
    chips Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Clair
    Imho , chakras should be opened in balance , any "overstimulation" will be temporary in nature resolving itself . I am not sure I agree with an idea of "destimulation " . I feel that groundsing and stimulating are more accurate terms . Certainly bringing down cold blue energy would ground you . But I do not belive that we can close chakras or overstimulate or destimulate them per se .
    i wouldent count my "destimulating" grounding, since grounding is the act of putting excess energy in the ground, or other things. my destimulating technique simply calms the over-active chakra down. try it for yourself.

  8. #8
    star Guest
    Generally I like to work from the bottom up.
    It makes sense that as the bottom areas become stronger they are able to support more powerful structures built upon them.

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