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Thread: Kundalini rising when unprepared.

  1. #1
    sash Guest
    I've discussed kundalini briefly with Benjamin Bruce and he recommended meditation to stabilize the mind. Mental discipline is also important, and the ability to focus on one thing at a time. This can be done daily until a strong mental discipline is developed. He mentioned that a ball of energy is often visible over the third eye when a satisfactory level of meditation has been conducted for the "safe" rising of kundalini.

    It seems that there is so much misinformation and misinterpretation on the web about kundalini in general that it is difficult to guide someone along that path. I've heard that physical grounding is a great technique to employ when in the processes of kundalini rising or rapid spiritual ascension. It would seem to make sense to get heavily involved in doing something physical to snap your mind out of being focused on the kundalini, and continue doing this until you are "grounded".

    I've found that the worst impact I get from kundalini is emotional, and losing emotional stability - more so than losing mental stability. However it seems that the energy causes such a profound transformation on so many levels that it is almost impossible to understand the phenomena in itself in the first place.

    Warm Regards,

  2. #2

    Kundalini rising when unprepared

    In my limited experience, I believe RB's Catch Basket is a helpful technique as it helps you to address your belief systems, which can play a huge role in how you interpret your environment after such an awakening.

    I think I had an experience with Kundalini for which I was incredibly ill-prepared. Even now, when I experience spikes, it's still very tough psychologically as well as emotionally.

    Also, major life traumas should be defused to avoid plugging major energy into the entire energy body and re-energizing past hurts and negative thought forms
    I suspect this played a huge part in the problems I have experienced, although I don't really know for sure.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia
    I have never met anyone who became crazy due to kundalini . However, I have met a few people with mental illness issues who had exacerbations of their symptoms of neurotic or psychotic behaviour while raising kundalini . People on pyscho reactive medication should develop slowly and cautiously . People who have had emotional trauma in their lives ie due to the death of a loved one , can have a rude and shocking awakening of their kundalini .

    But the body is engineered to develop and those that lose fear and have faith will raise kundalini without trevail . The average person raises the first and primary flames without any difficulties . Secondary flames will generally not ignite until the body is prepared in balance in body ,mind ,soul, and spirit .It does nothing to help the world by perpetuating myths and fears . If we would instead embrace our spirituality we could all learn to see spirit , to fly in projection , to expand our consciousness and better ourselves and our world .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by scymitar72
    In my limited experience, I believe RB's Catch Basket is a helpful technique as it helps you to address your belief systems, which can play a huge role in how you interpret your environment after such an awakening.

    I think I had an experience with Kundalini for which I was incredibly ill-prepared. Even now, when I experience spikes, it's still very tough psychologically as well as emotionally.

    Also, major life traumas should be defused to avoid plugging major energy into the entire energy body and re-energizing past hurts and negative thought forms
    I suspect this played a huge part in the problems I have experienced, although I don't really know for sure.
    Maybe it would be wise to add that I had other things going on too that contributed to problems. I was taking a lot of drugs (speed) and drinking heavily too. Speed or Meth can cause a drug induced psychosis, which is entirely reversable in most cases. In addition, I had some heavy life traumas that had festered for years.

    My experience is not the norm and I am sure that most people will not experience any trouble.

  5. #5
    I did find this interesting; it's an excerpt from an article about kundalini authored by Robert Bruce:

    Warning: This subject must be approached with great care and respect. This is a long term goal, a lifetimes work. Raising kundalini is a dangerous thing to do. And the less prepared and developed a person is, the more dangerous it becomes. Madness and or death can result, as can a variety of serious physical and mental disorders, if one who is unprepared does this. As said, master wake induced OBE first, as this is not only a more achievable goal, but it also helps prepare one for higher levels of energy body activation and kundalini.

  6. #6
    Apex Guest
    I'm not a big fan of that quote, since it tends to instill fear. From my understanding, as long as you are aware that you're progressing, kundalini will rise and fall on its own.

    If one wishes to 'force' the experience, of course caution is prudent. It's like working out at the gym so much that you become obsessed with it and your body starts to suffer instead of benefit. I think that's a better way of putting it.

  7. #7

    Kundalini Warnings & Clarification

    Ok, Robert kindly answered my questions about his warnings and offered very helpful clarifications:

    Quote Originally Posted by Scymitar72
    Hi Robert,

    I read an article you wrote about raising kundalini and was wondering if you would care to clarify your strong warning offered at the end of the article:

    Warning: This subject must be approached with great care and respect. This is a long term goal, a lifetimes work. Raising kundalini is a dangerous thing to do. And the less prepared and developed a person is, the more dangerous it becomes. Madness and or death can result, as can a variety of serious physical and mental disorders, if one who is unprepared does this. As said, master wake induced OBE first, as this is not only a more achievable goal, but it also helps prepare one for higher levels of energy body activation and kundalini.


    Have your opinions changed at all since you wrote the article or do you continue to stand by this rather strong warning?
    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce

    I stand by my earlier warning, but with some clarifications.

    Apart from my own experience in this area, I have encountered many people in various stages of kundalini awakening. Even the strongest and most stable and well prepared encounter major problems. Those without this generally develop a range of psychological and mental and physical problems. There is a lot of information available on these problems to be found on the net.

    There is a big difference between awakening kundalini and raising kundalini (Uraeus Serpent of Fire). My earlier warnings specifically relate to the latter, eg, the heavier energy work to fully activate the energy body and achieve the highest level of consciousness and direct contact with the divine etc, etc.

    Kundalini is dormant in everyone. Its awakening can be triggered by spiritual or devotional work, and sometimes by spiritual/intellectual work.

    Kundalini is the Eastern term for this energy. But this is not just related to Eastern cultures and spiritual practices. It is universal.

    Kundalini is an evolutionary energy. Once awakened, it begins a transformational process. This cannot be stopped once it begins. How long it takes and how far it will evolve persons depends on the individuals concerned.

    The early awakening kundalini is a major event, but most people can usually deal with this without too much difficulty.

    But raising kundalini (Uraeus Serpent of Fire) is to be approached with extreme caution. This event fully activates all chakras, removes all natural protection from the chakras and energy body, and exposes the energy body to the greater reality. This can be a shocking experience that, if unprepared, could cause physical death through shock. After this, the energy body and mind are wide open to everything. The onslaught of impressions and energies that come with this can cause persons to become mentally unstable. This also opens one up to all spirit influences, positive and negative and all the range between.

    To approach this, it is obviously wise to have some idea of what one is doing and to prepare oneself well. This is sensible, but many people tend to skip the preparation and jump straight into the higher work, just to see what happens. There is no way one can account for this type of madness. This is like a person with no experience with sky diving grabbing a parachute and jumping out of a plane at 10,000ft and working it all out on the way down; eg, very high risk. This is why kundalini is usually only taught in person, through a strong teacher student relationship.

    So, to teach this, some duty of care is obviously involved. The basics of spiritual development must be learned and practiced first. These include self observation, mind control, ego control, willpower training, inner balancing, inner cleansing, physical preparation, etc, etc, to develop a harmonious and balanced spiritual approach. With this kind of preparation, the risks are greatly reduced.

    For those who survive the awakening and or raising process intact, varying levels of creativity, genius, psychic abilities (enlightenment or illumination) arise naturally.

    The enlightenment process is directly related to kundalini awakening. But this does not happen in an instant. It is a staggered process, one bit at a time. One may have moments of full abstract God consciousness where one knows and perceives 'everything' in the abstract. But after such a peak experience, one reverts back to normal consciousness.

    I hope you can see my points here. So many people are desperate for real spiritual progress, and they want this right now, eg, a quick and easy way to enlightenment. They don't want to spend thousands of hours in training. They want it right now. This ego based approach obviously causes a problem, as the risk level for students is directly proportional to their preparation.

    For all that, awakening kundalini should not be feared. This is the brightest hope for humanity. The more enlightened people there are, the better the world will become in a spiritual sense.

    Robert Bruce

  8. #8
    master of maya Guest
    Recently after a very powerful healing that I was blessed with which cleared a lot of negative energy and spirits that had attached themselves to my field, my kundalini has intensified rather promptly and at a level that I've previously never experienced.

    I was curious to know if there are any excercises of the mind/body/spirit that may help me ride this wave of awakening smoother than it could be. Meditation and visualisation help in the balancing of my energy, yet I feel there is something that I may be neglecting.

    Any advice from those who have had similiar experiences would assist me in this transformation so please offer what advice you feel is necessary.


  9. #9
    The only advice I can really give is to ground yourself really well if you start feeling overwhelmed.

  10. #10
    Nostic Guest

    Re: Kundalini rising when unprepared.

    I'd just like to add one or 2 things.

    It is very important to have a healthy physical body. It helps to stabilize you and makes it easer for the kundalini energy to flow through you. A balanced diet helps greatly as well. If there is a lot of dense energy from the food that you eat in your system this can cause a lot of blockages that may lead to pain and instability. Also, one last thing that helped me a lot- when I felt the energy was getting out of control, I would get into lotus position and center myself. I never knew how much value lotus position had until I really needed it. It really helps to bring the energy under your control. Your back must be straight, rigid, and have no or minimal support.

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