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Thread: I don´t belive in the leaving your body when dreaming

  1. #1

    I don´t belive in the leaving your body when dreaming

    Hi, don´t get me wrong now, I have myself experienced the separation process of leaving the body when you obe.
    But I don´t think it happends every time the you enter sleep, this morning I had a series of micro dreams that I dosed in and out of, It felt like it happended fairly quickly to get into the dream and I can´t imagine that there was any time for the seperation process, the dream also followed the same story.
    It was funny because when i fell asleep in bed i awoke in the dreams and my dreams friends said: look he´s awake now (lol)


  2. #2
    I don't believe a person will project everytime they are asleep either, but while you are asleep your subconsious mind is processing all the information you accumulate while you are awake. If you can conciously project then it makes sense to me that while you are sleeping this process is automatic. It goes much quicker because you are not conciously trying to work through all the steps.

    Although you had a short dream, I believe it has a deep meaning.
    i awoke in the dreams and my dreams friends said: look he´s awake now
    It seems like the message is that you should "wake up" to the messages you recieve while dreaming. While in this state you are truely awake and able to recieve messages that while in waking life your subconcious pushes down.

    Keep a dream journal to record your dreams, even the short dreams. The 1/2 awake, 1/2 asleep state is when we recieve a lot of messages from our spirit guides. Keep the journal right by your bed so you can immediately write down the things they say. It is invaluable information, and you don't want to lose any of it.

  3. #3
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    If you go by the idea that the energy body is already occupying every facet of existence, and the difference between, say, an RTZ projection and a mental projection would be the nature of the surroundings and the compatibility of the projected (or rather, phase-shifted body) to those surroundings, then the issue would be not of space/time (necessary for an RTZ projection, imo.) but of 'where' (if that is even a relevant statement) you're projecting your consciousness.
    Confusing? Even to me, who knew what i wanted to say when I started writing this.
    In other words- it is my opinion that consciousness is supra-local- in other words, it exists both in spacetime and out of spacetime- So if you project it in timespace you need a physical body, if you project it into the etheric/RTZ, you need a body (although more rarefied to be able to gather information from it) and tied to the body who projects it to move across space, and maybe across time, but at a different rate than a normal waking awareness- But dreamtime is or could be a 'mental' state, that is not local, not occupying space, so that the projection may be 'dimensional' but not through space, and possibly not through what we think of as time (which is why you get those quick bursts of information when you dream) so that your consciousness has indeed projected (or phase/shifted), just not in the same way an etheric body does, because the medium is different.
    Does that make more sense?
    Of course, once again this is my interpretation of my own subjective experiences.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
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    P.S. I do believe that dreams are created by the brain, but with information that is collected both from waking consciousness and other sources, such as telepathy, the akashic records, astral/temporal projections, etc.
    Which is why they're so much fun to try to decode.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    star Guest
    Its fun to watch yourself fall asleep, I don't understand why I can feel myself drop out of body while falling asleep but if I try and control the proccess it comes to a halt.

  6. #6
    Moonchild Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by star
    Its fun to watch yourself fall asleep, I don't understand why I can feel myself drop out of body while falling asleep but if I try and control the proccess it comes to a halt.
    Don't try to control the process. Instead, allow the process. you do this by mastering relaxation, while maintaining consciousness and OBE intention.

    In my experience, the key is to hold the intention to OBE unspoken in the back of my mind, and then just surrender to the experience.

  7. #7
    Moonchild Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    P.S. I do believe that dreams are created by the brain, but with information that is collected both from waking consciousness and other sources, such as telepathy, the akashic records, astral/temporal projections, etc.
    Which is why they're so much fun to try to decode.
    Couldn't have said it better myself.

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