Hey, Noelle.

I started to think different about my life, how about you might as well:

Maybe your heightened awareness of your life's circumstances is your lucky chance to "make it" in this life.

I was born with an "itch" I cannot possibly scratch. An urge. It is always there, a simmering discontent. Something that drives me. Before I knew meditation it made me restless. Now it has become the fuel for doing my energy work every day, for going on, for releasing what's binding me.

Over time I came to believe that the itch that at first made me miserable is a chance to scratch beyond the surface, to know what is beyond our day-to-day lives and what I am here for. Would I have asked for answers if I were content?

Maybe you feel it to. It can feel like being out of phase with everything and everyone. Not belonging. My existence felt often like a drag, lacking the goals others had, lacking drive.

Now that I found the something I was looking for I start belonging to myself. Everything feels better, I have a feeling of progress and doing the right thing. That is important.

10 years ago I felt miserable and out of control. Now I feel those times taught me sth.

Perhaps you can find a similar feeling for yourself and about your life, too? I have not much experience about this, but my perception seems to be that spiritual people tend to be torn until they find at least their way to go for things. And then change becomes their life blood.

Be well,