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Thread: Stretching Before Meditation/Projection

  1. #1
    Three_Nails Guest

    Stretching Before Meditation/Projection

    Does anyone have any physical things they do as a part of their meditation routine? Aside from waking up at certain times and such, that is. I stretched before I meditated today and it really helped me relax. I was far too awake to enter trance, but I was quite happy with my session today.

  2. #2
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    I don't do this every time, because it requires movement (lazy ) But sometimes before doing energy work I do the beginning of a form in a cruciform way (can symbolize the four cardinal points, the four elements, or the four sides of a celtic cross, whatever floats your boat) and that seems to ground me.

    As to meditation per se, I usually meditate in the same spot- it seems to facilitate the relaxation part, and I do have a routine, but it's nothing 'special'. Just your usual relaxation, breathing awareness, some energy work, and 'noticing'. If there is conflict in my life at the moment I incorporate contemplative prayer (or if I 'feel' like it) but not always.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    I often lie down, do energy work. Then I get up and do movement Qigong. And then I do standing meditation. It is much easier to do standing meditation then.

    Focusing on the physical and etheric bodies is for some things much easier standing than when lying down, but I seldom start standing. The last thing I do before standing is often the Taoist Spine Stretch, which already includes pauses for working tense vertebrae/spinal discs/back muscles. Then I settle in the standing position after having fully stretched out. If the stretch was good (I do up to three) I get a floating, soft feeling like my head was suspended in warm water, even while my body is fully erect.


  4. #4
    Flash_hound Guest
    In the book I'm reading the authors suggest that you stretch AFTER energy work...

  5. #5
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    I find it more effective to COMBINE stretching and energy work. Clearing up tension helps elongate the tendons and muscles. Stretching the tendons and muscles helps locate the tension.


  6. i think a good stretch is to do the five tibetan rites (google it) before meditation. i don't do it all the time but its some good exercise!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by soul elevation
    i think a good stretch is to do the five tibetan rites (google it) before meditation. i don't do it all the time but its some good exercise!
    We have a link to them in the AD Pedia.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
    asalantu Guest

    Re: Stretching Before Meditation/Projection

    Quote Originally Posted by Three_Nails
    Does anyone have any physical things they do as a part of their meditation routine? Aside from waking up at certain times and such, that is. I stretched before I meditated today and it really helped me relax. I was far too awake to enter trance, but I was quite happy with my session today.
    Not only to free from surface discomfort done muscular tension sources. From Robert Bruce's testimonials (but to Kundalini dynamics concern related) physical fasting and purging is needed before to rise attempts.

    Some authors (e.g.: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa) put emphasis on physical purging requirements before spiritual concerns like APing. ¿Why not when meditation is involved..? Perhaps a more light diet would be advisable. Robert Bruce, at his tutorials, has told us about heavy protein diet negative effects on projection attempts. This validates to TLR.


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