In my own dreams, driving is always a symbol for being in control of my life. Being "in the driver's seat" so to speak. I've had dreams where I was forced to drive from the passenger side of the car, dreams where I was driving along a winding road on a cliff face and suddenly lost control and went off into the ocean, dreams where I was driving along and suddenly found myself on a roller coaster track, dreams where I was driving and I couldn't find the brake pedal or it didn't work, dreams where I accelerated too quickly or the petrol pedal stuck and I was out of control, and others.

All of them related to the way I felt my life was going, and how in or out of control I felt...

When I immigrated to Australia from the United States, I used to have dreams that I couldn't decide which side of the road to drive on. That was all about trying to reconcile my original nationality/culture with the new one I was embracing (I did eventually sort that out, though).

I don't know if the same symbol would pertain to you, but I've known many others who had the same "in the driver's seat" type dream symbol.

Oh, and I have and still occasionally do pray in dreams. I used to have really bad nightmares and prayer was the only way to survive in them. Prayer works, even in a dream state, or so it would seem.