That radio waves interfeer with chakras and create distorted audio?
Like all kinds of weird noises. I used to experiment with sleep paralysis
and the realtime zone about 15 years ago. That time I didn't know
anything about OBE and rtz. Just by stumbling across Robert learing
to put a name on it. Recently figured out the rtz.

Thought it was the brain disconneting from the body, then awake
paralysis. Had no metaphysical or spiritual view on it. I would leave
the radio on, dj chatting, my parents talking upstairs, while in the
state. Never heard any of these noises described.

Maybe it is related to brow chakra or third eye. When this is activated
to some degree, someone is more perceptable to other types of
sounds... created by whatever is floating around out there.

But they say in this mp3 this guy is making the sword/glass sound.

the sikhs cover up their head with badage. There is a video on video
google one sikh explaining it has to do with protecting against radio waves. I don't see how some wool cloth can block out radio waves
when these waves can travel trough brick house walls. Probably need
a led helmet or be deep in a tunnel for blocking it.