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Thread: End of the World Dreams (questions)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity
    Korpo - I'd have to be more aware of what was going on me when they happened. I've been slacking on dream journaling.
    Slacking on journalling *whistles nonchalantly*

    Welcome to the club - Slackers Nonanonymous!

    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity
    BeeKeeper - Good point. I've had a range of emotions in these dreams. The strangest was anger in this:

    ...The third installment was just weird because the wave had come, some official people had survived, we were all keeping and eye on how the water behaved because we weren't sure if it was over... I stood with many other people I knew to be the new officials of the decimated country (I'm not sure if we were in Australia or not) listening to them talk about rebuilding society.

    Suddenly, there were a group of three or four older men wandering around and preaching the about the bible and God's wrath, etc. They were dressed as you'd imagine Roman soldiers to be dressed. Togas, wrap-up-the-leg straps on their shoes, helmets like this. Only one had a copy of the actual bible.

    I got so angry at them because I knew the last thing the new civilization would need was a return to old ways (Roman society) and people running around preaching we deserved the great flood/tsunami. I took his bible from him, chucked it in the water, and yelled at him, "That god is dead!"

    So, did you have a religious upbringing so this anger would make sense? Or have you been mistreated by Christians?

    If not, this could also pertain to a past life (Romans...), too.

    The dream symbol info I quoted - it said: Repressed emotion, possibly. Then you said you got angry in one of those dreams. Repressed anger?

    Where you afraid when you watched the sea? Did you welcome the change and the new opportunity to rebuild society into something hopefully better?


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Interesting, the tsunami dreams were never sad- they were more 'exciting' and 'interesting' than anything, but the present 'war' dreams are scary. But it's obvious why.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13
    Serenity Guest
    Korpo - I'm pretty good at remembering my dreams. It's recording the circumstances of waking life I tend to forget.

    The anger makes sense to me, actually, but not for my upbringing or past lives. As for repressed emotion, that's what I used to do before I met my husband.

    All up, the dreams and symbolism makes sense to me for the most part. I just find the overall "end of the world as we know it" an interesting thing because I didn't start having those dreams until this year.

    CFT - Were you a part of the exciting dreams or playing the part of the observer?

  4. #14
    Shannanigans Guest
    I have had tons of dreams of a post-nuke/meteor/etc. world where there are only a few survivors

    They always remind me of the Stephen King book "the stand"

    I am usually very calm in these dreams and not too concerned

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