First attempt...

Nov 24 am...

came to in the middle of some pretty intense vibrations... 'roll out'... paused for quick second to adjust... waved my hands in front of my face... (that helps me become more lucid) looked around, i was not in my bedroom... I seemed to be already way up in the air... I thought clearly about wanting to get to my goal... (pyrimids/technology etc...) felt a clear and sudden 'rush' like i was traveling... found myself back in my bed still vibing pretty strong... thought that i might try again, but the vibs subsided... got up and wrot in my journal....

note: EBS were very strong this time...

note: did not know where i was.. took me a second to adjust...

note: as soon as i thought about my 'goal', I was Rushed back to my body,,, (seemingly)

This is typical for me... takes a couple of tries to zero in... I don't have much luck with 'guides' of any sort so i am kinda on my own to explore... (seemingly)

i will try again soon,,, need to raise more energy maybe, but the fact that i had my goal clearly in mind is a good sign... (keeping my goals clearly in mind is half the battle for me)

Earthborn out for now, Cap'n...