My thoughts...

If All is God & we're here to learn the ALL, there must be separation. Without separation there is only ALL & thus no viewpoint to view anything other than the single awareness. To achieve separation, it would seem to be a necessity for there to be unknowingness, or else every attempt to produce a different PoV would fail - each would know ALL in the same way God did & thus be unable to provide any new information.

There is a background assumption here that in the beginning, the ALL was Aware but not necessarily Knowing. Everywhere I look I see attempts to learn & to know & so I make the proposition that the game is learning & knowing. All else is due to, & subject to, that basic purpose. Think about it. Even in this life, the level only just above death is apathy - when there is no interest & no learning. Anything above that state involves learning, even if it is only from fear & trying to ensure survival. A baby learns from the womb & we recognise the special state of childhood when all is new & to be learned.

So why would God do this? I think it was not only necessary but was actually the mechanism used to create everything apart from the initial beingness of God.