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Thread: Exuding positive energy

  1. #1
    IlvC0h3reNt Guest

    Exuding positive energy

    I have a friend (my roommate infact) who I've noticed has an energy that is good to be around. We're both spiritual people (at least we try to be), but I find myself more optimisitic, confident, and all around healthier energetically while he is around.

    See, I always thought I had positive energy, but recently I've noticed that I have a sort of intimidating energy around others, which makes sense since developing a strong will power has been a main area for me. And when I am around my friend, I feel a bit lacking.

    Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has advice or techniques that would transform/develop my energy into a more positive one. I would be tremendously grateful.

  2. #2

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    Im not sure but what i'd do is just sit and breath.

    Pretend you are breathing in deep breaths of positive energy. Im think of this now and idk y but i see them as being purple. Imagine little balls with the + sing on them (for positive). And breathing out negative nergies (color black).


  3. #3
    IlvC0h3reNt Guest

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    Quote Originally Posted by JoSac
    Im not sure but what i'd do is just sit and breath.

    Pretend you are breathing in deep breaths of positive energy. Im think of this now and idk y but i see them as being purple. Imagine little balls with the + sing on them (for positive). And breathing out negative nergies (color black).

    Ah, I usually gather energy into the naval, do the full body curcuit, and the move energy from naval to crown while synchronizing with breathing, so I'll try the additional visualiztion with it as well.

    I've thinking, however, that it has a lot to do with beliefs about people and their intents. I'm working with a few NLP books and techniques to help change such limiting beliefs.

  4. #4

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    Well u could do it as a seperate exercise. Also to affirmations like "I take in positive energy". This will help get your higherself engaged. It engages in wat ever your mind is on.

    And always use the NOW tense.


  5. #5
    boris Guest

    Re: Exuding positive energy


    here's rayson's technique for connecting with your higher self, its very good.

  6. #6
    Caelrie Guest

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    Be careful with this, ok? The combination of a strong-willed energy with positive "feel good" energy creates a situation you unconsciously abuse. It creates a feeling of automatic trust towards you in the people around you. It makes your suggestions to them have more weight than they should, and leads to you unduly influencing them.

    I lived in that situation for years. I didn't even know I was doing it, but people just seemed to usually do what I told them to do. I finally managed to turn off the subliminal suggestion part of it (people still trust me within seconds of meeting me, whether it's warranted or not), but even so I'd dragged people off their life's paths to follow mine so many times it made me sad.

    Get your willful projection under control before you work on exuding this positive energy into others.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    The trilogy of books by James Redfield starting with Celestine Prophecy, the (Paperback) then The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy) (Paperback) and ending with The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight (Paperback) is about filling yourself with energy and using that energy to make progress by drawing the lessons you need to yourself. The trilogy emphasizes that all your lessons come directly or indirectly through other people and the best way to help yourself is to use your energy to uplift the people around you. It isn't about controlling the people around you so much as giving them the resources they need to make better decisions and to respond more correctly to their situation.

  8. #8

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    Seems interesting im putting them on my book list


  9. #9
    IlvC0h3reNt Guest

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    Quote Originally Posted by Caelrie
    Be careful with this, ok? The combination of a strong-willed energy with positive "feel good" energy creates a situation you unconsciously abuse. It creates a feeling of automatic trust towards you in the people around you. It makes your suggestions to them have more weight than they should, and leads to you unduly influencing them.

    I lived in that situation for years. I didn't even know I was doing it, but people just seemed to usually do what I told them to do. I finally managed to turn off the subliminal suggestion part of it (people still trust me within seconds of meeting me, whether it's warranted or not), but even so I'd dragged people off their life's paths to follow mine so many times it made me sad.

    Get your willful projection under control before you work on exuding this positive energy into others.
    I will continue to monitor myself as best I can. I see what you're saying, and it is funny in a way since for a few years now I've had a feeling like I was going to lead something important. I assume everyone has this feeling from time to time; an intense longing for one's direction which inevitably lead's to one's fullest potential. At this point in my life I have the somewhat naive desire to lead a generation of people into a new paradigm of excellence. It's actually why I moved from Ontario to British Columbia by myself (first time leaving home and the province)...but I feel terribly hindered by my continuous cycle of negativity. I would, in a heart-beat, trade in my intimidating energy for a sustainable, consistent, spiritual/loving energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom
    The trilogy of books by James Redfield starting with Celestine Prophecy, the (Paperback) then The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision (Celestine Prophecy) (Paperback) and ending with The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight (Paperback) is about filling yourself with energy and using that energy to make progress by drawing the lessons you need to yourself. The trilogy emphasizes that all your lessons come directly or indirectly through other people and the best way to help yourself is to use your energy to uplift the people around you. It isn't about controlling the people around you so much as giving them the resources they need to make better decisions and to respond more correctly to their situation.
    I've seen the movie, The Celestine Prophecy..excellent film I do concede.

    And about using energy to uplift people..that's exactly what I want. I want to bring out the best in others when they're around me rather than see their flaws and negatively over-think their intents.

    The zeal on this is heavy...but to feel the same as if i could walk down the sidewalk in the autumn, and have plants, flowers, grass, etc. bloom to their potential as I stroll by.(daydreams )

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Exuding positive energy

    The short version is that every morning you set your intent that your aura will meet people before you get to them and that your energy will serve their highest purpose. For most people that means slowing them down so that they actually are present in the current moment. It means taking them out of the momentum of the rat race.

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