I'm thinking of keeping a journal again because a lot of experiences I think I should write down.

You mean you're not keeping a journal? Journals are important for many reasons. For one, it sends a powerful message to your sub-conscience that you want to learn more about OBE. Two, yes it will help you remember details of an event, but it will also 'pattern' your mind to recall more efficiently, so your likelyhood of remembering events will increase,,, I am posting the results of this last years worth of events, so stay tuned for that... I mainly write about significant Dreamstate lesson events, Energy body events, and Exit events. As many details as I can remember... trust me, over time, you will appreciate the fact that you kept a journal...
To my surprise I didn't panic or anything it was sort of cool that I couldn't move or do anything, I just went with it to see what happened.
This is a Pre-exit, energy body event and is more indicitive of OBE than LD... I would definately consider this worth reporting to your journal. Good Luck...