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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #41
    LuXFluX Guest

    Re: Dream interpretation please?

    In mantra Laksmi is associated with manifesting positive stuff. When I did mantra stuff regularly any time I was using it as a manifestation technique from the hindu tradition laksmi was involved. The primary mantra I used was "Om Gum Shrim Maha Laksmiye swaha" Which I think roughly translates to asking Ganesh (seed syllable Gum) to remove obstacles so that laksmi could grant manifestation. Laksmi is also associated with material wealth, which has connections to the first chakra and red. So it's possible that wealth or the manifestation of wealth is developing, or the manifestation process itself is developing.

  2. #42
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    Re: Dream interpretation please?

    Thanks LuX. Interesting.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #43
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    Re: Biting Shark- ^o0

    From superduck to supershark-or something.
    In this dream we were at some sort of zoo or marine aquarium. I had my hand inside a tank when all of a sudden a shark (one of those small lemon sharks that grow up to be scary) bit me on the left hand (that left hand again). I pulled my hand out of the aquarium and it wouldn't let go. I screamed and was taken to the lab in the place where the shark just wouldn't let go. I finally got angry (it was very painful) and bit the shark hard over the top of it's head. It let go and jumped back into the tank. As I saw my bloody hand, I could see that the reason it didn't take half of it clean off is that my wedding ring was acting as a sort of splint preventing it from chomping right through it. I could see bite marks right around the top of my hand sort of around the knuckle. I had pain there as I woke, but it faded as I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #44
    Alaskans Guest

    Re: Superduck-Split from Knitting Geese

    Fascinating. Sounds even more personal though.

  5. #45
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    Re: Superduck-Split from Knitting Geese

    Here is last night's- I didn't put it in the OBE journal because it started as a dream and has some psychological stuff in it- however, I think I transitioned into a collective part of the astral- the hospital in the afterlife zone from the layout of it. Here it is:

    I was in a sort of dorm, with a group of people. I was showing them how to levitate. Most couldn't figure out

    how to, one did, a pregnant lady. I wondered about that baby. I think subconsciously I knew they were dead, but

    not completely. One of the cute guys put his cig out on the other's eye. They found this hilarious, I was very sad

    because they could be so mean to each other. I think they were brothers or something. At this point I realized that

    they were dead, and that's why I was so uneasy about the pregnant girl's baby. They were all young, college

    aged. I was supposed to be teaching them something, I don't think levitation was it. Then I decided to leave the

    dorm room and I was looking for Teague. Now, Teague was missing and I was desperately looking for him, I think

    I was grieving for him. I wandered around a building that I understood to be a hospital. I looked around and

    realized I was subtly watched, if not followed. It seemed to me I had discovered some sort of conspiracy going on

    in the hospital. An old man saw me going around the hospital and approached me and said "if you are trying to

    hide the best place to hide is here, where the patients don't talk back." I looked inside and it looked like the inside

    of an ICU, but from his amused laugh I understood it to be a morgue. This turned me off (the fact that he knew I

    was trying to hide and that something wasn't right) so I didn't go in there. I went around another wing and went

    through a large room in which there were about eight identical desks and there were people giving others

    counseling. I thought to myself "this must be the counseling section of the hospital" and realized that most people

    there were sincerely trying to help patients, and the 'conspiracy' wasn't widespread. Of course, I didn't know what

    the conspiracy was, just that something was wrong and my friend had gone missing. So I went around other

    rooms, and finally I went to the back of the 'morgue' (wasn't really a morgue, people were up and about) but in the

    back of it there was a shelf with boxes and bottles, almost hidden, and the shelf was labeled "Bodies for recycling"

    "slave labor" and under "slave labor bodies" was one labeled Teague. There I realized that a faction or

    organization within the hospital someone was recycling bodies instead of using new ones (bodies or souls, I'm not

    sure what) and that Teague was one of the 'junk ones' that was slated to be 'reused'. I was freaked out by this, and

    left this dream environment and went into another one, and in it I was in a car with my hubby and son. I was

    reclined in this car and we were driving back from vacation, in a tourist area where part of the view was of an old

    crumbling amusement park, could have been Coney Island. We were driving over the bottom rail (it sounded like

    you were on a wood roller coaster) and you could see the ruins of an old broken down roller coaster that seemed

    to float in the air. We looked at it as we drove past. I commented on the apparent precariousness of the way, and

    my hubby said this was officially part of the road. I woke up with a certain amount of angst.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #46
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    Re: Superduck-Split from Knitting Geese

    I don't know why Jack Sparrow wasn't in my dream but Keith Richards was (as Teague). That was the 'just plain dream' part, I think, since I've been reading Jack Sparrow books to my son. The hospital zone was a weird evolution.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #47
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    Reading a Book in an Alternate Universe. ^-^

    In the interest of discovering themes in my dreams, here goes:
    I had read a book given to me by a friend of mine, and I was at her house discussing the book. When she started talking about a specific chapter, I realized I hadn't read that. I started getting confused because I remembered reading it, but she was talking about something else. Finally, I confessed that I didn't recognize what she was talking about, and I decided to pick the book up and leaf through it. When I did, I realized that most of the book was different than what I had read, except for one chapter in the middle of the book, which was identical to my memory of it. Then I realized that I must have read it in another version of the reality I was in, and that somehow, I must have exchanged places with another version of myself that had the memories of the book I had in front of me. This me was very conscious of alternate realities but I didn't consider that the 'dreamtime' was not 'real', since for a moment I considered all of it real, just 'displaced'. As I wondered how to get back to my proper sequence I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #48
    Alaskans Guest

    Re: Superduck-Split from Knitting Geese

    Ummm... are we talking about a book that you read only somewhere in dreamstate? You read it in one dimension, then read it in another? Btw, do you remember what the book was about? Im curious & nosious Also, I had a dream about being given two books a couple weeks ago, they seemed to be important, one was written by slaves and the other was $200! I figured they were subconcious knowledge. I think maybe everything is multidimensional, that book too, and of course things change some from dimension to dimension.

  9. #49
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    Re: Superduck-Split from Knitting Geese

    Quote Originally Posted by Alaskans
    are we talking about a book that you read only somewhere in dreamstate?
    You read it in one dimension, then read it in another?
    Yep. I read the whole book, and leafed through it and recognized the chapter that it had in common.
    Btw, do you remember what the book was about?
    No, but the author was female. And I think it was a novel.
    Im curious & nosious
    What's nosious?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #50
    Alaskans Guest

    Re: Superduck-Split from Knitting Geese

    Nosy like Pinocchio Its a bran new word, feel free to use it constantly.

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