This is just more poetic language for the same kind of exercises described by Dr Yang in "Qigong Meditation: Embryonic Breathing" and "Qigong Meditation: Small Circulation", and other books of his. Circulate the energy, mix here, concentrate there, pull down and pull up, generate this and that.

Besides, the person authoring that article does not know his or her energy work at all: The Upper Dantien is not identical to either 3rd eye or crown chakra. It plays a different role.

This is a purely mechanistic view of trying to do things with energy. Instead of letting development unfold in its natural way it enforces control over the process at all times. It requires sticking to the program, including all the preparatory practices - opening specific "gates" at specific times during the program, etc.

It's obvious you are looking for something - Kechari Mudra, White Drop, influencing Akasha, Purple Brow Strobe, etc. Something all of these phenomena should give you, or you think they might give you. You're coming along with another idea / phenomenon about every few weeks.

So, what is it you actually want?
