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Thread: I think I popped my cherry

  1. #1
    tmoflash Guest

    I think I popped my cherry

    I started meditating tonight for the first time; I read a few forums and did some research first to find out the basic concepts.

    Here is what I did and what happened.

    I had all the lights off with the exception of my computer monitor only because I was playing some music from which I found very relaxing. Anyway I sat down "Indian style" on the couch and prepared myself by sitting with my back straight, taking deep breaths and just relaxing with a kind of a proper posture. I then started to think and ask for red energy "within my mind not out loud" and try and open/recharge my root and asked for a cleanse to hopefully clear out any disease and bad physical stuff from within me.

    I then called for the red energy to surround me and again enter with an invisible hand to recharge my root chakra, I did this for every chakra that I could Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and even White. However I felt as if I had at least a glimpse of all these accept white and the more I really focused on it the more I actually felt the energy flow..I think. Again this was my first time and I am just guessing but I felt very warm on the inside and tingly. The most intense seem to be my heart and my throat Green & Blue I think. I was really in a deep trance and it seemed as the energy was all around me. When I got to Indigo I really tried to focus on visions nothing came to me except a blurry vision of a man with a beard. It was only for a brief second and has no idea what it meant. Then all at once it seemed that it all stopped and I came out of the trance never made it to the White energy.

    How can I Improve this?

    How often should I do this?

    Did I do anything right?

    How long should a meditation last?

    Was I feeling like I was suppose to and was that a real vision and/or was it just a figment of my imagination.

    One more thing. I was extremely tired today and felt much drained. I do feel somewhat energized from this but I am a night person anyway and seem to get most of my energy within the late hours anyway so again not sure.



  2. #2
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    I can't answer for that specific meditation, but I've done chakra meditation with the corresponding colors before.
    I believe you went very deep. That's a good thing. About the vision: that tells me you went into a light trance. That's a very good thing. Don't worry about not getting all the way up- you should work on the lower chakras first anyway, and eventually you'll get up there. Don't be in a hurry (you'll read the reasons around this forum.) About how long should you meditate? Well, I know people who meditate for 1/2 to 1 hour daily, others 15 min.s a day. It depends on you- we're all different. I'm a 20 to 30min. meditator, and I go into trance fairly easily, which is not always good.
    p.s.: Sometimes the visions mean something, and sometimes they don't. The best thing is to write them down and look at them in retrospect.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    tmoflash Guest
    I agree with taking my time. I didn't even know that I was rushing anything. I have read in several places about working on the lower chakras first and that if you do not get all the lower chakras filled up and use them first it takes a very long time to learn them.

    I guess what I am saying is I really didn't know about the differnet meditaions what is a good starting point, I am in no hurry to "advance" I just want to find peace is really what I am seeking. Inner Peace. I am a driven person and my mind runs 100 miles an hour multi-tasking and trying to always gain knowledge. I need to figure out a way to slow down listen to myself more and really love and find that inner peace. Meditation is a good start.

    So thanks for any help

  4. #4
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    It sounds to me that you're on the right track- keep doing that and when you're ready for something "else" it'll come to you, either in this forum or through someone else. ps. have you tried NEW? It's good as a complement to what you're doing, to clear blockages and such.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    tmoflash Guest
    No, but i read a little on it the other day on this page's tutorials for beginners. I will do some research on it.

    Thanks Again

  6. #6
    tmoflash Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    ... it'll come to you...

    Just curious on what exactly you mean by this. This is a very deep comment and I will try and elaborate myself.

    What you mean by this is that we all have gifts in some form or fashion and finding those gifs we are much stronger in as well as more "gifted" in we then follow that path which leads us to our calling and/or destiny?

    I don't know if this is what you meant but if it very deep and gives me something to ponder...although I feel I have been pondering this for many years.

  7. #7
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    tmoflash wrote:
    What you mean by this is that we all have gifts in some form or fashion and finding those gifs we are much stronger in as well as more "gifted" in we then follow that path which leads us to our calling and/or destiny?
    Exactly. When you follow a path the universe will give you signals via synchronicity- if you pay attention and follow these signs the universe will continue and help you achieve what you were meant to achieve.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8

    Re: I think I popped my cherry

    Quote Originally Posted by tmoflash
    When I got to Indigo I really tried to focus on visions nothing came to me except a blurry vision of a man with a beard. It was only for a brief second and has no idea what it meant. Then all at once it seemed that it all stopped and I came out of the trance never made it to the White energy.
    I too have had this blurry vision of a man with a beard, I got the idea it was a white wizard of some sort as it was dressed in what looked like white robes. I saw this image for a few moments, then all went blank.

    This happened during an extreme period of high energy one night when I closed my eyes to go to bed after doing exercises on my chakras. He came through in the center of a purple/indigo 2 dimensional geometrical form. I don't have any idea what this means , I just thought I would share.

    Anyone have any ideas what this symbol signifies?

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