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Thread: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

  1. #1
    Ouroboros Guest

    Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    Here's a question for anyone with experience using the Gateway CD's.

    They suggest that you set the volume to where you can barely hear Monroe's voice...however, I've noticed that this makes it a little bit harder to follow with the Resonant Tuning exercises. For the tuning exercises, are you supposed to try and follow the pitch changes on the CD exactly?

  2. #2
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    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    The Resonant Tuning exercises always confused me the most. I have great reluctance doing them. I tried for a while, anyway, and I cannot say whether they made a difference.

    What's your experience so far? What ways have you tried out for doing them?


  3. #3
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
    The Resonant Tuning exercises always confused me the most. I have great reluctance doing them. I tried for a while, anyway, and I cannot say whether they made a difference.

    What's your experience so far? What ways have you tried out for doing them?

    At least I know I'm not alone there! Hehe...

    So far, when I HAVE done the exercises (75% of the time I do, and boy is it a trip doing those with someone else in the room >.>), I've mainly just done a monotone noise that seemed to harmonize with the vocals on the CD. I can't say I've noticed any particular difference between doing them and not...however, I do find that the breathing portion alone of the exercise is very effective. I need to experiment a little more with doing the exercises without the vocalizations before I can say for certain, but so far it seems like the vocalizations just aren't doin' anything special for me.

    Of course, the fact that half the time I'm not alone when trying to do these probably adds to my reluctance - I never FULLY vocalize when doing the Resonant Tuning, I always hold my volume really low, like below speaking levels. Not sure what if any effect this would have on its effectiveness. I guess it's one of those things that only a professional from TMI could answer?

    Considering that these states can be achieved without HemiSync in the first place, I'm inclined to think that while it may be an aid for some, the Resonant Tuning isn't an absolute necessity for HemiSync to work its brainwave magic. Although, as I said, I need to experiment some more before I can be sure whether or not this is true for me.

  4. #4
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    Another question for you what volume did you/do you listen to the CDs at?

  5. #5
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    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    Various. I'm not sure I ever had problem hearing the tuning, anyway.

    I always had problems either cramming all the exercises into the allotted time on the later tapes, and mostly I switched to never doing them...

    I dropped the tuning early on, but the energy conversion box is really tricky for me. It is kind of like a self-exploration where you try to find out what limits you, translate it in a symbol and put it into the box. This is a full exercise on its own, don't you think? So, if I do it well, I usually run out of time.

    Later on I just did the Focus 10 progressive relaxation exercise and waited for the actual content to commence. Hard to say if that is a better way or if I am missing something.


  6. #6

    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning-

    I own both the Gateway series One album and Journeys out of the body.In JOOTB in the first relaxation CD Monroe does the same "Breath in,eyes open,hold it in.Breath out,eyes closed.breath normally",but there is no indication of any tone in the back ground like you hear on Wave One.
    Does this mean that making the vocalised tone was a refinement which came later?,or have we misunderstood what is required of us in that exercise,and there is no need whatsoever to make any sound.

  7. #7
    Ouroboros Guest

    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    Quote Originally Posted by Turlock
    I own both the Gateway series One album and Journeys out of the body.In JOOTB in the first relaxation CD Monroe does the same "Breath in,eyes open,hold it in.Breath out,eyes closed.breath normally",but there is no indication of any tone in the back ground like you hear on Wave One.
    Does this mean that making the vocalised tone was a refinement which came later?,or have we misunderstood what is required of us in that exercise,and there is no need whatsoever to make any sound.
    My guess is that it was probably a refinement. They may have done some further studies that showed doing the resonant tuning exercises aided in syncing up the hemispheres of the brain, and thus added it to the program. That's just a guess though, I'm not really sure.

  8. #8

    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
    The Resonant Tuning exercises always confused me the most. I have great reluctance doing them. I tried for a while, anyway, and I cannot say whether they made a difference.

    What's your experience so far? What ways have you tried out for doing them?


    I am new to this forum and I don't think I really know how internet forums work as I rarely post on them. Anyway, I have just spent ages typing out a full and lengthy response to your question based on my own findings. Unfortunately, I timed out and had to log back in. I have since been unable to retrieve my work so I typed out a much shorter post and pressed the save button as I was worried about losing that post as well.

    Anyway I am unable to retrieve either post. Is there anyway of retrieving my replies as it would save me a lot of time and work if this were possible. If not I will try to post again



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    You can always open another application like notepad or wordpad to type your response in, then copy and paste it in the place for a response. I have to do it that way, too, sometimes with my e-mail.

  10. #10
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    Re: Volume Settings/Resonant Tuning

    Hi Heron. I notice this sometimes happens (a lot when I use IE). I now almost use Safari and it never happens. However, I do recommend what Tom said- it does save time. Another thing I was doing when I had the same problem was copy the post after writing it, and if it timed out I could get back in and paste it again.
    I hope it doesn't happen a lot more, you may have to look at your computer to see if it's set to forget passwords after so many days.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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