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Thread: Chakra Questions?

  1. #1
    Excaliber Guest

    Chakra Questions?

    I've read a lot about chakras and have noticed you can find all sorts of contradictory information on what's what.
    For example, spin them clockwise, spin them counterclockwise, make sure you close them, what hemisphere are you in because they spin differently, they can't be opened cause they're never closed....

    My experience with chakras has always been of a sphere which pulses, pumps, and breathes, expanding and contracting with the occasional intense strobing. I experience different temperatures and flavors (for lack of a better word) of energy in the different centers.

    The base gets warm, occasionally super hot and sometimes it trickles energy up on its own without any effort on my part.
    The naval and solar centers are fairly foreign to me but somewhere in there is a flavor of giddyness, like the roller coaster ride butterfly in the stomach effect.
    The heart is joyous, is the only way to describe what I've felt in the heart.
    The throat is hard for me to describe what I feel so I wont even try.
    The brow to me is like a sphere of vision, every night I can see through my eyelids and I watch energy swirl and twirl in my room and during mental wanderings (remote viewing) it seems to me that this IS the third eye, still in your head but also somewhere else.
    The crown I have never felt unless the itchy tingly cobwebs I sometimes feel on my scalp are the first signs of this.

    There is so much I don't know but can only guess at.

    I suppose my questions are about chakra spinning, since I have never felt any of mine spin that I can recall.

    lets for example take the navel chakra and say you are standing up.
    Do you feel them spin as if around your waist like a belt?
    or like a circle around your belly button?
    or both?
    or more like a gyroscope?
    Does clockwise gather in energy and counterclockwise extrude energy?
    Am I asking too many questions?

    Thank you in advance for any responses. Oh, one more thing and not to sound rude but I am not interested in what you've read or been told on another forum but only in your real experience.

  2. #2
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    Re: Chakra Questions?

    I feel the navel chakra internally, clockwise and covering quite a large area of my tummy. I can feel the energy around like a belt too if I decide, though it's not how I usually perceive it.

    Some of my chakras spin anti-clockwise but, for me, I don't find it matters much if I consciously spin them in the opposite direction. It doesn't result in loss of energy or any such thing.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  3. #3
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Chakra Questions?

    Instead of worrying about which way the chakras might spin, I just chose to make them flash brighter, as through strobing, and that would work well enough. In fact, it seemed like I was trying too hard. Even the traditional yoga texts don't agree about which way the chakras spin. I was frustrated enough to try to go back to some of the older texts from before chakras became so popular with the new age. Your chakras will appear to you whichever way you expect them to. If you expect to find them rotating all the same direction they will. If you expect them to alternate directions, they will. If you then read another book that says they alternate a different way, they will. Whether you have your chakras rotate one way or another, though, if you pay attention to them you will succeed in giving them energy.

  4. #4
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    Re: Chakra Questions?

    Hi Gang,
    Ok, this may sound strange. I generally preceive /see the chakras as spherical, pulsating and sending out light flashes, kind of like a sparkler. They also, in my sight, appear to have "ganglia" type feelers that radiate out and intermingle with the astral.
    Here the strange part: I often see the Root chakra in the shape of a deep red upside-down pulsating uterus (I know). The arms where it would, if it was a uterus, go to the ovaries, seem to flow in a layer along my skeleton in the color of that chakra. The other chakras, as spheres, also seem to flow/have in layers along the skeleton, each chakra has its own overlapping layer.
    It seems as though these layers somehow seek out areas that need repair/healing. Indigo/violet sparks shoot out from that area and in a few moments, healing "rays/light" come from the astral to answer the call.
    Anyway, I've never seen them as spinning, but see their "ganglias" intertwine throught me and the astral.
    I don't "see" them very often, but when I do, they are in the colors they represent, sometimes pastel, other times dazzling.

  5. #5
    Excaliber Guest

    Re: Chakra Questions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom
    Instead of worrying about which way the chakras might spin, I just chose to make them flash brighter, as through strobing, and that would work well enough.
    I noticed I could move energy within them in a circular fashion but the chakra itself wasn't spinning. Just my awareness and energy. The attention given would stimulate it and it would grow brighter and spread.

    Perhaps I just need more practice/awareness to notice "spinnage". I don't know.

    I think I'll stick with what works for me and not worry about spinning, I find placing the awareness of breathing within the chakra to have the most effect.

    My intuition tells me they do spin naturally, yet slowly, like how the earth spins while it is rotating around the sun. Just a theory.

    @Grant, very very interesting. I get what your saying and it doesn't sound strange at all. I like how you describe the layers.
    I wonder if the "ganglia feelers" you write about are something akin to the infamous "chords"?

    Thank you for your replies! More...

    what do you see/feel within your primary energy centers?

  6. #6
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Chakra Questions?

    The spin of the chakras is supposed to have something to do with the channels ida and pingala. These channels are activated as the breathing switches from mainly through one nostril to mainly through the other every 90 to 120 minutes. In between, for a couple minutes, the nostrils are balanced and shushumna is active. Swara Yoga suggests timing your activities according to which nostril you are breathing through, starting by getting out of bed in the morning matching the foot you step off with to the side of the nose you are breathing on. It also provides methods of forcing the breathing to shift to the other nostril. Okay - to begin with, do you use a meditation based on the side channels spiralling around shushumna or going up parallel to it? That will determine if they all spin the same way or if they alternate directions.

  7. #7
    Excaliber Guest

    Re: Chakra Questions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom
    Okay - to begin with, do you use a meditation based on the side channels spiralling around shushumna or going up parallel to it?
    I've only tried the ida/pingala channels during meditation a handful of times and I've tried them both, spiralling around and parallel to the center channel. I have never clearly felt them but I have clearly felt shushumna, which also circuits down both legs, arms and into the head. 8 wrapped around the chakras is typically how I imagine ida/pingala flowing.

    mostly my energy work involves either a pinpoint or a blanket awareness. Also forming energy balls and holding the form,color and flavor while they are moving is important to me right now.

    chakra work is pulsating/pumping/breathing within them.

    most of my "meditations" are located in the brow and involve keeping a clear mind and either looking deeply in or trying to see further out.

    Edit: rereading my post it seems I write too much off topic.
    The ida/pingala spinning chakra connection makes sense to me but I've never felt it, only read about it.

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