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Thread: Impersonaters?

  1. #1
    Chris_com28 Guest


    I've had this experience before and have read account of it on the Internet, though not strictly associated with sleep paralysis. Once while paralysed I saw what looked like my parents and my sister standind at the end of my bed. This seemed perfectly normal to me. Then when I "woke" I realised it wasn't my parents. Their faces were all distorted like those photo edit programs. Plus they "flew" out my bedroom window. I've had similar experiences, but the only one where I've came face to face with something looking like someone I know.

    I''m wondering if there's others who've had similar experiences. I'd be interested in what they looked like.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Impersonaters?

    I have. The monkeys I've talked about before like to impersonate children.
    However, it's possible that your parents were either asleep and projected to your bedroom (by their unconscious concern for your welfare) and your waking up startled them and broke the trance.
    I often project to my son's room when I sleep, and become conscious to find myself floating about his room. It's a parent's tendency, I think- no matter how old kids get.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.


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