After days of standstill, I finally managed to have a lucid dream, it's my first one !
my huge expertise in OBE's (1) tends to prove that last night was not one of them but "just a dream"...
what was amazing was to distinguish between dream and reality. I was in bed, it was 2am and I had been listening to music for 3 hours. I suddenly had some kind of kicks in the body. I decided to stay still, stop the music and go for it. If I managed to OBE, I would go and visit a friend of mine. I kept thinking about him. what appeared to be seconds later (I could have sworn that I never fell asleep) I heard steps in the stairs. I was still thinking about my friend and not trying to be too excited (I was hearing astral noise cool). But it was so loud that I started to be concerned, I remembered that I forgot to close a window upstairs and it might be someone getting in from there. I wanted to get up to close the window but realized I was completely paralized. I was happy because I just needed to follow the instructions I saw on internet (ie, imagine that the other body turns 180 degrees to get out and will finally fly, I was on the verge of flying !). I tried and tried and couldn't manage, I was dead paralized. At a certain point, a guy (a phantom not flying) came in the room, sat on the other side of the bed, and lied there next to me, I asked him how many dwellers live in this place because I had already heard a family beforehand and now him (an astral boyfriend ?!). I told him that I found him quite nice but I didn't know him so there was no way I would have sex with him, I asked if it was ok to cuddle instead.(at which point I could move again !)
I got really excited that I had someone there to talk to, I asked him to check if I were using my mouth to speak or if we were using telepathy. Then I told him that I was really happy because all the dwellers I'm meeting are really nice or completely oblivious to me, I therefore do not need to worry when I do my induction sessions !
I ckecked my room, it all seemed normal, and took him in my arms....we cuddled then black out
I was completely lucid (checked the room, tried to fly etc...) but was not aware I was in a dream.