Okay, this is going to sound kind of off the wall, I suspect, but I think perhaps what you're feeling is actually Matt's presence. All of the things you're describing are exactly the sort of thing that someone who has committed suicide is likely to feel, just before and after they die. I would reckon he's angry and confused and sorry and all of the things you're feeling.

I suspect that the reason you can feel them is that he's kind of "broadcasting" and you just happen to be attuned not only to his "frequency" (so to speak) but also because of your interest in things metaphysical, you're more sensitive. I don't think he's targeting you or anything of that sort. He's just sending out these signals, and you're picking up on them.

Some of what you're feeling is undoubtedly your own grief. It seems, though, that that some of it is coming from him.

You can try several things. The first thing I seriously strongly recommend is setting up some basic psychic shielding. Just an energy shield should help, but a salt bath and walking over running water can't possibly hurt. Breaking any immediate psychic ties may help to lessen some of the pain.

You can, if you wish, just let this process run its course and deal with it as it goes. This is not going to be pleasant, but it may help you to heal in ways you haven't thought of yet (stirring up stuff in yourself that you need to address, that sort of thing).

Also, you might want to try actually communicating with Matt. He may or may not be receptive to communication (i.e., his "broadcast" may be more like a one-way radio signal than like a telephone line), but you might give it a try. Before you attempt such a thing, though, you really need good psychic protection, including a basic energy shield.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of anything else to recommend, and, to be honest, I've never before suspected that someone was under the influence (indirect or otherwise) of a deceased friend, but that's just really how this looks to me. You may as well proceed as if that is the case. If this is all purely within your own self and emotions, that will become clear, as well.

And for a third time I'm going to recommend the psychic shielding. I think it will help, if only to deflect wayward energies you don't need to deal with while you're healing.

Much love and positive thoughts.