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Thread: I Really Don't Know About This....

  1. Re: I Really Don't Know About This....

    Quote Originally Posted by naturebeliever
    I understand how you feel about the brunette telling you "You're gonna take a wrong turn tomorrow". I have not had much success with conscious projection but in the numbered lucid dreams I have had I recall beings/entities/people saying prophetic-sounding things. It is natural to want to give in and believe in what you hear and sometimes it might be true or at least hinting at something you'd do well taking a closer look at in your life but I'd stick my neck out and dare to say that the VAST majority of any information received in MY case as a beginner amateur OBEr lucid-dreamer, meditator, what-have-you, have been OFF. Maybe the more advanced you get, the more sensitive and psychic you get, the more you can trust info you receive... I dunno..You are obviously more far along on spiritual development than I so I cannot speak for you. I'm just offering my input and perspective.
    Thank you so much for your reply and input.

    I've been embarrassed to show up here much; as much as I'd love to be of help here, I don't have any answers, but the help I've received has has been like gold! I'm still a beginner, but I feel very in tune to the concepts . . . and this is the only place I feel comfortable asking questions and getting answers.

  2. #12
    Pneumaphor Guest

    Re: I Really Don't Know About This....

    May I venture a guess that you posted your experience on this website the day after you actually had it? What I mean to say is that perhaps the brunette was implying that your 'wrong turn' would be your post on the astral dynamics website? Do not misunderstand my meaning as I am sure an inclination to do so will be felt. Welcome to Astral Dynamics Forums. The question remains, however, did you post your experience here on this site the day after you had it, which is the day the brunette was presumably referring to?

  3. Re: I Really Don't Know About This....

    No, I don't think I did, but I can't remember . . . on second thought, I didn't because I wrote about the next day also, or did I?

    "What I mean to say is that perhaps the brunette was implying that your 'wrong turn' would be your post on the astral dynamics website? Do not misunderstand my meaning as I am sure an inclination to do so will be felt. Welcome to Astral Dynamics Forums."

    You're correct. I'm not sure how to take that, but thank you for the welcome.

    I don't think coming here was a 'wrong turn.'

    My best to you and everyone here.

    P.S. Thank you for your reply and input.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries

    Re: I Really Don't Know About This....

    Coming back to the initial post, (which I just read for the first time), I have to ask- have you seen anything else like the child in the middle of the night? Or were those isolated experiences, not to be repeated again?
    Very interesting, knocking things down. I wasn't clear if it was actual things in your room, or in another room (someone else's?)
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. Re: I Really Don't Know About This....

    No, nothing actually knocked down.

    The other night, upon going to sleep, I felt myself falling, but I went with it--it was more of a sliding feeling . . . and I slid around the room--the room in which I grew up in with the flooring of my present room. Each slide, or falling sensation, was started with this mind-bling thing . . . I don't know how to describe it, and I was aware--aware of my physical body dead asleep, as I've never been before, and of my consciousness. When I became conscious, or awake, I was all sweaty in my original sleeping position.

    I don't know, man. I need to read Astral Dynamics again, and I wanna get Mastering Astral Projection. Such books don't come quickly here in Japan.

    The kid and the brunette were isolated incidences; recently seeing wraiths and stuff appearing and disappearing, more so than ever, aren't--had always figured it was my imagination.

    Thanks for inquiring, CFTraveler.


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