Hi every1.

I became interested in OBE's some 6 months ago, had some frightening childhood experiences, About 7 months ago discovered OBEs and been reading Robert Monroe, William Buhlmann, inet forums etc. Been doing a lot of background research.

Finnally 2 days ago received Mastering Astral Projection in the mail. WOOPEEEE!!
just started reading the introduction part, not even at Day 1 of the program yet.

Bcs of too much fun yesterday i had a restless sleep . Overall my mind is very calm, no stray thoughts etc.

This was a spontaneous projection.

I lay down on my bed thinking of taking a nap. Ahh well, i might as well try some energy work.. so i did a thing where i imagine my feetgrowing roots to the center of earth, extracting energy pulling it all through my chakras to the universe & back. Weird, my heart started going a bit faster -- as if i had drank a strong coffey.
I must've drifted off for a few minutes but somehow, i imagined i was holding a rifle close to my body (back in the ole' army training)and had to roll over with my gun, and keep rolling like we did in army training. Then, it struck me, i was getting loose.. so i continued to roll much harder..
And whatdya know!!!! My feet felt as if it was going upinto the air, about 2ft high, with my body following in the same angle.
I had no sight so i thought to open my eyes , and WOOOW i could see crystal sharp clear! My room has a 40w lamp, but it was bright as if a 100w was on. So, weird.
Next i was kinda uncertain/uneasy. I thought: WHAT next, where to next? then thought: "ohhhh my head is stuck to my body!!" which brought me back in. Very briefly there was a weird musicalkinda rushing sound.

Sensations (exit):
* Vibrations - none
* Rushing shhhsshhshshs- none

Sensations (while outside)
* CRYSTAL clear bright sight of real time in my room!!
* heart was racing
* uneasy feeling of unfamiliarity

Sensations (entry)
* Vibrations - none.
* Rushing shhhsshhshshs-type of sound VERY briefly on entry.

Total duration incl. exit & entry: <> 30 seconds