I stopped fighting a while back. But my lust for battle with another grows, i want to rip peoples eyes out and kill them in the most harsh way (The people who bully me) And yes, i've gotten that quick rush of adrenaline thing. It feels like your body is exploding with excitement and that in order to channel this power you must use it on someone or something. Although nowadays i only get it when i don't need it. I used to get chased by large groups of muslims who lived in my road and tried to beat me up, fearing for my safety i ran, but i could never fight one of them.

I think you might laugh at me, but i've noticed in the past few years i get an intense burst of speed and strength when i'm out at night. It's hard for me, (whilst the darkness is in view) to get tiredness of running. Do you think that it may be a magical property, or that my mind fears something lurking in the night is chasing me. Plus, i just looked at the monitor and i projected it changing shape. It's moving right now when i'm typing