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Thread: A Consideration

  1. #1

    A Consideration

    A Consideration

    By Paul Vrabel

    When a person gets a cut, the white blood cells rush into action to heal the cut, and a scab is formed. The heart beats to keep alive the human body. All the complex systems that make up the human person do so in such accuracy. The earth rotates around the sun perfectly. The earth is not being terminated by the extraordinary flames of the sun; it is not close enough to be. Human beings do not float about in space due to the law of gravity.

    Is this all the result of mere chance?

    Whether it is or not, there seems to be good arguments for both sides.

    The most convincing argument that I’ve heard from the side of “Atheism” is that as a result of infinite possibility, yes, such complexity can come into play. And it appears to make some sense to a certain degree. I mean, imagine just nothingness. Just complete nothingness. Are the chances not infinite of just about anything happening, including anything complex?

    Yet, the very IDEA of this, in and of itself, can be nothing more than a figment of the imagination, a mere attempt of someone to explain what he or she does not know or/and understand.

    The VERY IDEA of infinite possibility in and of itself can just be an idea that someone has, and an idea that can very likely be false.

    Such complexity MAY be the result of an actual cause. The question would then be what the complexity is a RESULT of.

    Such irrefutable laws,…that set forth into motion in this Universe. The rotation of the planets around the sun,…the growth of vegetables and fruits, the shocking but solidified, absolute complexities of the human body and systems at play within it, …the fact that we do not float around in space due to an absolute law that keeps our bodies on the planet earth. …Is something going on here besides just the “animal side” of us? Does “meaning”, actually even exist, possibly? Perhaps we’re souls actually visiting earth in an evolving process. On the other hand, perhaps eternal unconsciousness awaits us all, regardless of any matter our lives were lived. What is it that really goes on in this Universe, and Why?

    What are the ACTUAL origins of planet earth? Are we where we’re at now as a result of molten rock that grew grass, trees, and had formed oceans on it out of mere chance and scientific details, or was all this formed for a purpose, or/and the result of a purpose?

    Is what we have “scientific evidence” for, all that exists, or has skepticism possibly been taken to a degree where it should actually be considered “close-mindedness”?

    "CHANCE", in and of itself, may very well just be an idea that was created in someone's mind in an attempt to explain something they have not comprehended, and possibly never will comprehend. The occurrence of the overall grand scheme of things may not be comprehended from the attempt of using scientific instruments and tools alone. After thousands of years of still attempts to explain the Universe, what may possibly still be learned? IS there anything actually significant enough of, and worthy enough of, our learning as the human race? Or are we merely limited to the likeness of animals, only to end up in eternal "sleep", no matter what kinds of lives we lived?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: A Consideration

    Very interesting post, V., and I am not going to debate causality (because it clearly, as you stated, isn't a yes/no argument), just wanted to nitpick at your usage of the word 'Law'.
    A law is not something that prevents something from happening (or makes something happen either) it is a description of what happens when something is observed. The Law of Gravity is not what keeps us from floating away, the law of gravity is what we call what we have observed that pertains to matter (matter being that which has mass) in relation to other massed bodies.
    As to God as cause (and I introduce the concept of God only because you used the word 'Atheism' to describe a specific camp with certain attributes), I postulate that God is not necessarily cause as linearly understood, that God can be cause and effect, or neither, and all have valid arguments for their position.
    I have moved this topic from 'Out of Topic' to the 'science and spirituality' subforum, because it seems to pertain to these very general terms.

    Before anyone else launches into the discussion I want to remind everyone to remember the rules- respect for all thought systems and no proselytizing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: A Consideration

    Accuracy?? Hearts beat with variation in every beat. Faster, slower, occasionally skipping a beat. Scabs form for most people, but it's a sloppy inexact affair. The scab is not the same size or shape as the wound. Usually a scar is left. The earth is in fact being scorched a bit more lately as the Sun has warmed just a bit in recent times (global warming only partly human's fault). If scientist are right there was a time when it was nearly frozen over and a time eventually where it does get burned.

    What is an 'absolute complexity'? Not all human bodies are the same, which one is the absolute. Rather I just see them as different but equally complex. There is nothing to suggest that future bodies will not be more complex or less complex than the ones today.

    It also seems that this is a very local view. Most of the universe is actually much simpler than the few spots where there are stars or planets. Yes there are a few spots of greater complexity, but these are the exceptions.

    Sadly, despite all we currently 'know', "because that's the way it is" explains the universe as well as any other explanation.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  4. Re: A Consideration

    Chance or random is just a word we use to describe that which we don't understand. In reality, there is apparently no such thing as chance or luck only our inability to interpret said reality or information thereof.
    The True Nature of Reality


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