Glad I had a look at that.

Manifesting Generator

Profile: 6 / 3
Definition: Split Definition
Inner Authority: Emotional - Solar Plexus
Not Self Theme: Frustration
Strategy: To Respond
Incarnation Cross: Left Angle Cross of Obscuration (62/61 | 3/50)

I listened to the 6/3 profile and was amazed by the reference to a major conflict throughout my life: my parents. They had no idea what to do with a person like me, well they had plenty of bad ideas to the effect that I disowned them many years ago. Fortunately, I no longer have to deal with them. I might consider getting on board with the man with the Acadian name but it has been my mission for many years to synthesize the world's esoteric traditions - Brahmism/Buddhism, Cabala, Astrology, I Ching - and I don't care to accept someone else's work. It's the journey, not the destination that's important.

I envy Ra Uru Hu for the circumstances that allowed him the time to work this out.

Thanks for the link