Re: OBEs with the Body Awake?
How many of you have had OBEs while your body was awake?
One for certain through focus on the heart centre with lots of noise and difficulty getting out and a hooded dweller on the threshold. This was in the early days of attempting OBES deliberately and I had taken some decongestant medicine that might have messed things up (or helped them along, you never know. )
Another time I didn't leave the body but I was meditating with a group. We were chanting and my legs became waves of energy and parts of my body seemed to cease to exist.
The vast majority of OBEs happen in conjunction with falling asleep, awakening from sleep, and sleep paralysis. Or, you could say, they happen during the type of trance in which the body is deeply relaxed to the point of heaviness.
This is more typical for me and works better because I can just float out without difficulty and without noise and drama.
I've also had fairly frequent astral sight during trance and I've seen people (perhaps projectors, maybe deceased folk) without even being in trance and they've been as solid as living people look. I've also felt others as energy bodies while I've been in trance, dreaming and out of body, even finding myself sandwiched between my physical husband and an astral visitor who wanted to cuddle up a couple of times.
I've had a few episodes of realising that there are two of me: one in a dream body and one in an etheric or other astral body. It's then been a matter of transferring to the etheric/astral body, though the dream can still intrude. Last night, for example, I became lucid in a dream where I was taking roll call in a classroom because I heard the M band kind of noise where people are talking and I detected a voice just like my deceased stepdad, saying something over and over (which I forgot but I know wasn't very important).
Dreams are possible in non-REM states, but at the very least this was a lucid dream entered from a full, physical awareness in about ten seconds as I got woozy.
I've found myself out of body suddenly and not as a result of a dream or a deliberate attempt to get out. It happened to me as a child and as an adult, always in the real time zone and in verifiable ways where I've seen things that existed but sometimes of which I was not previously aware.
Has anyone had OBEs/astral projections/lucid dreams that came on very quickly, with the physical body not resting?
Not as such but I've remote-viewed this way and experienced clairaudience, again accurately, sometimes spontaneously, sometimes deliberately.
I haven't managed phasing probably because I tend to fall asleep . Theoretically it should be possible because I do get vision screens with moving hypnagogics. The best I've managed is a game of tossing a ball. The ball came towards me and I sent it back with my mind and it returned and so on. Sometimes I've felt etheric limbs move in response to hypnagogic imagery.
"A dream is a question, not an answer."
(Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan