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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #281
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hey Tim. I had an MRI for the neck thing before, and it was determined it wasn't anything to worry about (the doctor's words, not mine)- but after last night I'm considering going to a different doctor.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #282

    Re: My dream diary

    just want to say first of all I wish and hope that you and your neck soon will be much better and healed!
    im not sure if i understood all right and what all that in your dreams means for you... just can say that i
    too was so very happy when i met my mother in dreams after she had gone, for me it was very important
    to see, hug and talk to her cause i had longed so much to feel near to her again and know that she is well.

    best wishes.
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  3. #283
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    Re: My dream diary

    Dreamed I was in some sort of plane (like a floating plane with a temple in it). I was going through some trials, for another person. Then one of the 'gods' or 'elders' or 'beings that were running the show' focused on me and started to kick and stab at me, and expressed dislike for me. Then he was stopped by the others because he wasn't supposed to take a personal interest. Then the person I was doing this for said he didn't even want the thing this was for, and I felt angry and abused.
    Then I woke up with bodyaches and the worst sore throat ever. Now I'm sick.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #284
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    Have you met the wizard?

    I had a series of dreams, which involved many situations- some in my grandmother's house and the preponderance of showers in it- I have forgotten most of it except the recurring dream of my father having been dead for three years, and coming back. This time he was 'alive' but dead, if you know what I mean. This is an ongoing thing and I might make a post about it, because it's not like something I have seen anywhere else or in any book I've ever seen. But since I've forgotten most of the dream, I'll go on to the one I woke up to.

    We were in a cruise ship, my hubby, son and I. It was a bit long and involved (many parts that I've forgotten) but at the last part of the dream I was walking around many levels or floors in the ship. I don't know if I was looking for my cabin or just walking around, but I kept going in our room and out again. At some point I noticed someone was observing me, and I tried to pretend not to notice- I was trying to see who it was without looking up, and I didn't succeed- I didn't see who it was.
    Towards the last part of the dream I was back in the room, and about to tell my husband about it. when I could hear a song on the stereo, with a chorus that went like "Have you met the wizard?" - it was a catchy tune, lots of harmonics and the male voice singing sort of sounded like Gerry Beckley from America. I still could hear it in my head as I woke, and I even sang it to my husband.
    I already forgot the tune, but I wrote down the lyrics.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #285
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    Rebuilding my grandma's house

    Back in my grandma's house- I went there and saw it was under reconstruction. In my previous visits it always looks better on the outside but the inside had bad dilapidated rooms with the roof falling down and such. Now I walk in and there is some sort of yellow substance on the floor. I decide to levitate so my feet don't touch it. I hover around the house and see with amazement that some of the parts in the house have been completely gutted and rebuilt with new clean materials, wallpaper has been scraped off and primer has been put on the better parts of it, and some parts that weren't so bad have been scraped and retrofitted. There is one room in which there used to be a fireplace (nonexistent in real life but familiar in dreamtime) which was primed and a bed put in where the fire used to be. There is something about this room that reminds me of 'waking life' but for the life of me I haven't made the association yet.
    As I float around, I see my dad (deceased), mom, (deceased), 2 living siblings, but there is one missing sibling. I have been told that this particular sibling has left to go away and has to reinvent themselves, and I wonder about this, I realize this is for the best, and I keep flying around, surveying the property.
    This is the first remembered dream of the year.
    Happy New Year!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #286
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    Dreams the last few days.

    Jan 2- I had a dream in which I was reading a letter a terrorist had left (a manifesto or something like that) describing why he was doing and detailing some of the things he had done. As I read the letter I also experienced the scenes he described in the letter. Sometimes I was in the scene as an experiencer and sometimes I was a watcher. At the end of the dream I was given a name. I won't write it here because of the possibilities and I don't want to slander anyone.

    Many dreams in the last two days (the first and the second) about demons and the devil.
    I was given a lesson about the devil by who I thought of as the Archangel Michael. He didn't look like his description in icons, or popular culture. He looked more like a character you would see in a playing card, but his head was on fire- it was a deep strong fire around his head which illuminated the whole room. He did not look humanoid at all- more like a robot. It's hard to describe.

    There were others like this (demonically themed, and a few times I found myself praying in my sleep). It's been a few nights of this.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #287
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    Re: My dream diary

    but his head was on fire- it was a deep strong fire around his head which illuminated the whole room.
    In one of his adventures in consciousness, Kurt Leland experienced Michael in a similar way. Interesting.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  8. #288
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    Re: My dream diary

    Really? I'll have to check that out.

    We were given (or had) and apartment in the top floor of a building in a city. I was aware we lived in our house and was not happy that we had to live there now. It was a half-lucid experience, because I had the memories of our regular life, and the half-awareness that we still lived here in the house but were 'at present (dreamtime)' ocuppying this tiny apartment. In it we had three cats, and I don't think they were the same cats we do now. (We have two, but had another one who passed two years ago more or less).
    So now we were shopping in the city, and were going 'up' to a restaurant (or something like that) in the top of another building (or it was the same, I'm not 100% sure, it's been a day since I had the dream and already began to get confused about it.- recorded on Jan 7-. So to get up we had to go through a lot of hoops-
    There were escher-esque stairways that required floating to get over it, I had the conscious ability to fly in my half-lucidity, so the stairs were no problem, only annoyances, and there were other distractions, such as going through a hospital or medical center to get to the other door to continue going up, until we finally got to the top floor, ate or whatever we were there for, and then we decided to go back down, I think we were planning to come back to 'earth' reality, when there were conveyor-belt like down going stairs and other types of mazelike contraptions to go down. Instead of going down the hard and roundabout way, I elected to go through a trapdoor that led to a slide. It was scary because I wasn't sure what was on the other side of the trapdoor, but I did it anyway. As I got through it and reached the slide, the descent was very slow (it was a tubelike slide, like a ride on a waterpark) and I was trying to hurry up when I started to hear -beep-beep-beep- and realized the alarm was waking me up. I tried to stay with the slide but at some point I lost it, and had to turn the alarm off. I then tried to close my eyes and go back to the slide, and almost had the feeling of going down, but I woke up.

    Later on I did a meditation that I will write about on my other journal, dated today but it was actually yesterday.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #289
    russmi3 Guest

    Re: My dream diary

    Happy New Year! HUGS!! You are amazing!! Love the diaries and comments......Your description of Michael just jogged a memory to add to my last dream journal entry!

  10. #290
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    Re: My dream diary

    Sounds like you ran the whole gamut of the astral plane up and down in one night, CF.


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