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Thread: Trouble with exits...

  1. #1
    yortyort Guest

    Trouble with exits...

    Hey everybody,
    I have been working on having an OBE for a month or two now, and before that I practiced a lot of energy work and lucid dreaming. I have gotten vibrations 5 or 6 times but still have trouble getting an exit. If anybody has some helpful exit techniques or tips on exiting PLEASE help. I'm getting a bit frusterated and losing my motivation lol
    Thanks for any help so much!

  2. #2
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    Re: Trouble with exits...
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    yortyort Guest

    Re: Trouble with exits...

    Thanks CF,
    And this may sound stupid but I don't think I'm getting deep enough to exit. I get vibrations and wave sounds and sometimes get paralysis, but I have never seen images or had a clear view that you would need for the corner fingering technique. To get to that state I do what most people say. I go into a trance and then do some energy work until vibrations come. I also use affirmations from AD. Sorry, but what should I do different.

  4. #4
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    Re: Trouble with exits...

    Quote Originally Posted by yortyort
    Thanks CF,
    And this may sound stupid but I don't think I'm getting deep enough to exit.
    It's not stupid at all- it is very difficult to gauge when exactly it's time to exit, even with a lot of experience, because that state isn't the same every time, so I would say that if you are having vibes and sounds you are very very close. So you can consider this a time to try an exit technique but with the understanding that you can stop trying if you can't get out, go back to trance or loosening and then try again- do not consider it a 'one time' opportunity.

    I get vibrations and wave sounds and sometimes get paralysis, but I have never seen images or had a clear view that you would need for the corner fingering technique. To get to that state I do what most people say. I go into a trance and then do some energy work until vibrations come. I also use affirmations from AD. Sorry, but what should I do different.
    You are doing everything right, but I think you may want to add energy body loosening just before the exit, go into a little bit of mind quieting (observing) and then when you feel like you have to, start the exit technique. And don't stop at one try, sometimes you have to try harder than other times to exit.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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