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Thread: Nat's AP/dream diary

  1. #71
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hello, Natalie.

    I have heard my body snore while I was meditating. It's the confirmation I never truly wanted.

    That your bed was in the wrong spot could have been an indicator that you were not in the RTZ.


  2. #72
    Join Date
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    or maaaybeee. . .
    I moved my bed while sleep walking and then had an OOBE and then moved it back. . .not likely???

    okay damn, you are probably right, I wasn't in the RTZ!

    Have you ever seen your body or a shadow of it? I thought I saw a lump under the comforter one time.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  3. #73
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hello, Natalie.

    I once had an experience where each energy body was on its plane. I somehow could tell. And I could switch between them like I would switch gears - up and down. When I switched down to the etheric level I could somehow see into my etheric body - I could see the structures within glowing in a strange light and my "skin" was translucent.

    I think what I saw was my etheric body. That's the impression I got at least. Don't ask me where I observed it from. I was aware that the etheric body was me, but I also observed from outside, which I wasn't consciously aware of at the time. I was too much enjoying the fact that I could switch back and forth.


  4. #74
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    OMG! That's the coolest thing I ever heard! I wonder why you were able to view your etheric body? Hmmm. . .did you happen to have a giant mirror in your bedroom at the time? LOL!

    I have looked at myself while out before and my arms look like a light blue color and they glow blue/green. And I feel pretty solid as well, even though I can push my hand through my stomach.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  5. #75
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    washington state

    AP#25 NEG attack!

    It is about 2:30 in the morning right now and I have been trying my best to stay awake after what just happened. After waking up from a dream I decided to project, I got out and jumped through the window on my staircase, this took some time to push through the window so I questioned whether I was really out. I started practicing my flying and jumping through the street. I ended up somewhere else (not sure what happened, it's a blur) but I was with this lady in sort of a practice area for flying and other AP talents. There were other people practicing different things. But being next to this person made me feel sad and she was asking me personal psychological questions that made me start to cry and tell her secrets about myself. It was very odd how being around her was bringing me down. So I started to practice my flying and soon noticed the other beings were just staring at me and soon I was surrounded. I could feel their negative intent and I tried to get away by thinking of another place and projecting there, but a neg in that area quickly spotted me and quickly came in to attack. A woman was trying to help me push this person off of me. He was ontop of me opening his mouth really unaturally wide, it was creepy, I think he was trying to suck the energy from my energy field. I kept trying to open my physical eyes but my body was so tired it was a struggle for a few minutes, and I could hear Katie coughing and I wanted to wake my body up. After succeeding I soon fell asleep again, and as soon as my eyes were shut I could see these entities again staring at me.

    So that was my first spiritual attack and I DO feel completely drained. I tried to do some energy work shielding exercise but I can't concentrate at all and I feel so so drained. I think my energy has been depleted quite a bit. My girls keep waking up now as if they know what's going on. Thank goodness for Katie saving me! It was like breadcrumbs to help me find my way back! After I woke up I saw lots of things moving and shifting around in my room. Could just be afterimages from my attack, but I felt I was being watched. I feel somewhat better now, but I will be up for a bit longer and I am going to sleep with the lights on until I can take care of this problem and raise my energy again and sheild myself.

    Maybe if I go watch funny youtube videos it will raise my vibration and help me stay safe.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  6. #76
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    washington state

    AP #26 Short one

    This was a short AP during my nap today.

    It felt pretty weak from the start. I felt the urge to sit up in bed after some difficulty staying asleep, I sat up but I didn't want to open my eyes for fear of ruining the weak OOBE. I felt around my room, then the hallway, and found my way to the window on the staircase (big surprise). I stepped out and fell to the ground, at this point I felt strong enough to open my eyes. I noticed I wasn't standing in front of my apartment anymore, but a nice big house! This is when I remembered that I wanted to just hang out in my bedroom and observe the RTZ. I wondered if it was too late, since I knew I was already in the astral. So I flew up to the window on the 2nd floor and peeked through and saw some strange man laying in my bed (sshhh perverts!). He was just taking a nap. He was wearing a white shirt and had blonde hair and was laying on his stomach. I didn't want to wake him up since he looked so peaceful.

    I think that was the end of it, as far as I can remember. It was short, and not very lucid. It felt more dreamlike, but that could be because I was REALLY tired.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  7. #77
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    washington state

    Ap #27,28,29

    Today during my nap I had 3 Aps in a row!

    The first one I sluggishly rolled out of bed and made my way to the window on the staircase. I had to laugh because I just did this yesterday! So I stuck my foot out the window to feel the air, and then jumped. Decided to go flying for a bit, flew over some houses and really enjoyed the freedom of flying. I should have posted this earlier because now my memory isn't as sharp.

    I think with the second one it was more of an accident that I consciousely seperated, but I practiced walking through walls, and I realized that if I got a running start and imagined the wall wasnt there I was easily able to pass through! My logical mind wasn't holding me back.

    The 3rd AP was more memorable. I remembered my intention to stay in my room and observe the suroundings. I stood next to my bed and did not see my body laying there. I wasn't shocked, I don't think I would be able to if I was vibrating at a higher frequency than in the physical. But when I put my hand where my head would be I felt a force trying to pull me back into bed. I went out into the hallway and it was pretty dark, even though it was daytime. I asked several times outloud to talk to a guide. Finaly a woman ran up the stairs and was like "yes yes I am here!", I asked her a few personal questions, some of them she answered and some of them she was quiet about and let me answer for myself and she would say things like "you got it!" and "smart answer!", she wanted me to use my intuition to answer questions on my own. One of the last questions I asked her was "who was I in a past life?" she looked puzzled and answered "everyone" hmmm cryptic! Well, after that I pretty much hung out upstairs walking back and forth between my room and my kid's room. Somewhat bored I guess! I need to think of more stuff to do!

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  8. #78

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    One of the last questions I asked her was "who was I in a past life?" she looked puzzled and answered "everyone" hmmm cryptic!
    From my shapeshifting resesarch, I understand that the basis of it as that everything is actually one and all the bounderies aren't really real, this may be what she was referring to. I'll have to ask my guide that question the next time I see him/her, I also recently talked to my guide and you can see our conversation in my obe journal.

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hi Nat

    Yes indeed you did have a very good night. Three OBEs in one night sort of makes up for some of those weeks (or months!) where no projections occur at all.
    Did you remain conscious during the periods between the OBEs or did you fall back to sleep? or dream?
    Also did you use any particular induction method?


  10. #80
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    I stayed alert during all OOBEs, I didn't really use any induction method. But when I kept reintegrating with my body I would return to half awake/half asleep and my body would feel seperatey again and I would sit up or roll out. It just becomes so easy when I do it once, and then I just keep doing it over and over again. Sometimes by accident. Which makes me really start to believe that we do this everynight but lose consciousness before exit.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

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