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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #361
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    It was more like a portal, because the mural I have on that wall (that I painted) is that of a window. Which is kind of cool.
    I like the crown chakra activation interpretation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #362
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    Re: My dream diary

    Had a dream about an old friend I haven't seen in a long time. It was one of those "alternate past" dreams, nothing important. The funny thing is that I haven't talked to him in years, but his wife is a FB friend of mine.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #363
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    Re: My dream diary

    Another series of dreams, some forgotten.
    The first one: I was in the hotel that I owned (recurring scene). However, the carpet was filthy, and I looked for the vaccuum and cleaned it up. I had two vaccuums, one was broken, so I used the good one. My mother, or a younger version of her, was in the dream, but she didn't talk to me, or I don't remember what she was saying.
    In the second one I was working in a house that belonged to some rich people. I was one in a group of people that were working in this mansion. We had another (spacious) house to sleep in while we were working (it was a long dream). The first night I had a nice large room to sleep in, and the next morning I went to the big house to work. After the day was over when I went to "my" room there were a pile of people sleeping in it- I walked around the 'sleeping' house and saw it was full wall-to wall. I then made a very uncomfortable place to sleep and went to sleep in it.
    I then woke up, went back in, had another dream that I have already forgotten. The funny thing is that I usually remember the last dream I had, but not this time. It may come to me later in the day, and I might come back in to write it down.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 8th July 2011 at 04:49 PM.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #364
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    Re: My dream diary

    Just remembered this mornings'-
    I had gone to an office and done some business- and when we were going out, the man in charge brought a boy out (a teenager, very large, with a small head). He told me that when I signed the papers I had agreed to take care of a boy that was in a bad situation- He was an orphan from a place that could have been indonesia and was going to be sent to a workfarm if I didn't take him home.
    I became scared because he was slightly retarded and very large and muscular, and was afraid that he could hurt my son, and my son was afraid of him. I was between a rock and a hard place because I didn't want this boy to be sent to what I believed was a slave situation, so I had the option of either sending him back or taking him home.
    I was trying to figure out a workaround (to send him somewhere where he could be safe and free but without endangering my family) and I woke up with this dread, because I felt I had been tricked into this situation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #365
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    Two dreams connected by a dream character

    Had two dreams tonight, one of them reminded me of the earlier one. (A dream character actually asked me about something that happened on the earlier dream.) When I remember the details I'll put them on.
    In one of them I was trying to do too much, the theme was that I was trying to fix everyone else's problems, and I was tired of it. I don't remember the details but I remember reflecting on the dream and coming to this conclusion. (in the middle of the night, that is.)

    The dreams came back to me one by one.
    In one I was putting salt on my pool (I have a salt pool.) Then instead of my front yard there was a 'club'-type place, and I was carting around a big bag of pool salt and I was putting salt in their pool, their hot tub and a few other pools. I'm not sure but I think this is the part when one of the people asked me about my first dream, because I think they asked me about the doctors/mentors that I was losing-in the previous dream- I think they asked me how they were doing.
    In the previous dream (I'm almost sure) I was in some sort of 'higher state or plane', and I was asking for help or guidance from someone. (Teacher/doctor/mentor type of being). After I found (him) I later found out he had died. So I went to another for help and after some time found out that he had also died. I think I was in my third teacher when I noticed a trend.
    I also remember (as I write this) that I was in a dorm in a school situation when this was happening, and the people that were dying were teachers, and there were sections of this place that looked like a beach resort and others that looked like a hospital, and there were doorways that kept sections closed off from others, and I had to sneak around to go from one place to another, in fear, not for my life, but for the life of the others who decided to help me.
    I then woke up, and went back to sleep and had the second dream with the salt and the pools, and my sheer exhaustion at trying to condition everyone else's salt pools.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 8th July 2011 at 09:31 PM.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #366

    Re: My dream diary

    so the salt pools were a protective measure, hopefully to stop any more teachers dying?..
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  7. #367
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    Re: My dream diary

    I haven't tried to make sense of the connection- salt is protective and also conditioning- so there was this sense of 'duty' attached to the sense of 'fun' that swimming in a pool or soaking in a hot tub connotes- so in the pool dream I was doing the grunt work while others enjoyed the fruits, and every time I was done there was yet another one to do-a metaphor for my life as it's been going on lately.
    I am not sure about where the idea that 'my helpers die' when they're 'higher level beings' comes from, except for the 'recent' event of my mother's passing- the loss of her and my grandmother (practically one after the other) may have shook up my sense of security, except that the teachers in my dream were male, and older- so sure, the salt may have been symbolic of my trying to protect one 'up there' while doing something 'down here' but I'm not sure.
    What I'm sure of is that the dream character that asked me the question was probably not a self aspect, because it served as a reminder, and I get an 'outward presence' impression from him- 'he' wanted me to remember this and work it out (which I haven't completely done, BTW.)
    And I do welcome more input about this, as I have some ideas based on my personal life but they don't make much sense in my mind, anyway.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #368
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hello, CF.

    Remembering the gist of a dream is often tells you that you have gotten the message of the dream, so details are not necessarily important. At times I forget the whole dream but this simple message, and initially I was disappointed till Kurt explained to me that that was all I needed from the dream.

    As for the teachers dying... It cannot be literal, as nobody dies in the higher planes.

    Someone I know once had a dream where his teacher had died. Other symbolism in the dream suggested, indirectly, that this basically meant that the connection was lost for some reason - he had received a foggy crystal.

    In this case it might be a possibility that not the teacher itself but the student-teacher relationship died instead. They might be, in a sense, no longer be helpful. (They certainly had no chance to be anymore in your dream.) What would the consequence of a teacher dying be? You have to look somewhere else for guidance. In a sense here you have exhausted the teachers/teachings available to you, but it's not quite clear where to find someone you can trust in. (Somebody who doesn't become "unhelpful" so quickly.) At least one possibility.

  9. #369
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    Re: My dream diary

    At some point in the last few days I entertained the idea that I had transcended the need for one and then the next and then the next teacher, but instead of deciding I didn't need guidance I had the feeling that (in the dream) this was designed by someone in the background (parts of the scenarios were closed and I kept sneaking through the 'veils' looking for who was responsible). I never found who was responsible for this, and every being I encountered there (other students) had no awareness that they were separated by departments, and only I was aware of this in my search for who it was.
    This made me think that I was still guided in an indirect way by the act of searching for whoever might be responsible for this.
    So I interpret this as the idea that the agent (my Higher Self, or something similar is still guiding me, but in a nondirect way (unlike talking to guides). Or something like that?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #370
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    Re: My dream diary

    Beings that exist in discarnate states do not necessarily have the ability to move between subplanes of a larger plane. The school could be a hint to exploring the astral or the lower mental plane, for example. The feeling of "higher plane" might as well derive from being in a higher body. As a Ranger (conscious incarnate explorer) you may be able to pass between subplanes, and you experience yourself as passing between separations/veils that don't even seem to exist for Shades (for example discarnates inhabiting various levels of the astral and lower mental planes).

    So, what you experienced could very well be your own representation to yourself of these observations Kurt made about the nature of the planes. It is also shared by Monroe, who as a Ranger visited those belief system territories and found people accepting them as their reality. The role of retrievals is to move people vertically between these domains to progress forward through the Afterlife. Monroe as a Ranger also experienced little limitation, and what you might see as departments he identified as rings. I think the ring model is mentioned in "Far Journeys." For Robert Bruce these departments/veils had intricate patterns on them as depicted by the original AD logo.

    Guidance can arise in many forms and is not always visible for various reasons, including the developmental state of the energy body one is in. There is definitely the possibility of being guided by one's Higher Self, and this can take various forms - hunches, intuitions, guiding visions, but also the very surroundings you get drawn to when out of body. Other entities might play a role in this, in my belief they certainly do, but the highest aspects of who you are are also involved in the very process.

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