Quote Originally Posted by ButterflyWoman View Post
Ah. Reality. Well, the bottom line is that the ONLY thing we have in this thing called "reality" is the experience of it. That's it. Some experiences are widely repeatable and follow certain rules. Some are highly personal and deeply esoteric, but we still experience them, remember them, are affected by them. Are your dreams real? I would argue that they are, because they're experiences, they're things you remember (sometimes, anyway), they can be messages from your subconscious. The same can be said of OBE or any other kind of spiritual experience, vision, etc. The experience is always real, always valid, always your own. Many things in life are worth experiencing, whether or not they're literally true.

Just something to think about.
Thank you very much for this, and I agree. Reality is built up off of experiences and that's it. For all I know my colour red could be your colour blue but you think your blue is red so the message gets across and we have no communication errors. I always love to think about life like this. It makes things feel a lot more personaI I suppose.

Sometimes though, it seems as though my reality takes a break for a few miliseconds because as I'm going through my day nothing feels real. It only lasts for a few miliseconds but it feels like reality is closing in on itself.