AI56, I love what you give out, you have so much goodness in you and love to give . I will take on board everything you have said.
I do feel a little humble though because at my stage in life I feel I have everything. AND I DO. Lovely sports car, money, job I love ( bringing in so much connection with a loving older generation ) ,loving family. What more can you ask for ( maybe a little more energy) The Only wish I could make is to know what more I can do? Physically I can't, but whilst sleeping can I do more?
I sent out a wish a while ago that if I was able to be aware when in astral could I do some kind of work in the astral, maybe soul retrievals. But I had a very vivid dream shortly afterwards suggesting there wasn't enough time. Did I understand?
Now my interpretation was that maybe this just isn't in my Contract?
So I will plod on hoping to have memorable experiences and contact but this mustn't be just about what a great experience I am having in astral.
This am.
Woke up 4 am.Had gone to bed early so felt like raising energy. Working on feet, moving up to knees then first chakra.
Decided to bounce balls through third eye for a bit, then bounce energy balls from crown straight down to base a little bored so moved onto my side,carried on with feet circles when from feeling the vibration in feet it turned to numb so was aware I was getting lighter. Decided to work on the hands this time which is very unusual for me when shortly after my astral hands seemed to raise up and I imagined a piece of carpet( ????) being held between my two hands and somebody is pulling this carpet upwards.
( on reflection this is very similar to the rope technique) just my own way of doing it.
I now know I am about 2 feet above body so decided to concentrate on brow area .
Then it came , hypnopompics, Entertaining.
Swirling of cloud looking faces, then black and white faces .
, then what looked liked like superman flying upside down over a city. This was amusing to watch but I knew this was nothing to remember, just purely hypnopompics. Amusing to watch but woke up.
I'm just feeling a little on hold .
. I want to do something in astral but recently it has all been about ME.
I want to DO something worthwhile.