PMR and NPR were terms coined by tom campbell in his book My Big Toe, which is a book about metaphysics and pretty much the nature of reality. So he uses them to describe and map out what i suppose you could also call dimensions or realities. PMR (physical matter reality) being the physical demension (our reality) and NPMR (non physical matter reality) being different worlds you could project to that dont exist in the physical. ALthough he points us that our precetion of things being physical is also just from our point of view and when you get down to it theres really not such thing as physical or real, just different levels of densitiy and frequencies and wave lengths.

If your intrested in metaphysics or the nature of reality i would highly recommend his book. It may very well be the hardest book you have ever read in your life (it sure was for me) but the journy and effort are well worth it. Ill link the book on amazon bellow. Sorry if this was a bit over kill on your simple question but i relaly like talking about this stuff, especially with like minded people