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  • IA56's Avatar
    21st July 2024, 06:10 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    In Last night dream I was on a railway station...I was some kind of assistant to the train cleark...I helped groups of people in right...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • olyris's Avatar
    19th July 2024, 09:19 AM
    olyris replied to a thread olyris' corner in Journals
    SYMPATHY is a dream with no conclusion - it is a box with "adult" written all over it.
    96 replies | 39197 view(s)
  • olyris's Avatar
    19th July 2024, 08:50 AM
    olyris replied to a thread olyris' corner in Journals
    Silver Lining's - resentment might be big money - blame might be exorcism of the devil - judgement might be good god - entity possession might...
    96 replies | 39197 view(s)
  • olyris's Avatar
    12th July 2024, 08:17 PM
    olyris replied to a thread olyris' corner in Journals
    Olyris here, I am back again to do some more good work. Saving the Buddha: The Buddha Gautama has a great big "get stuffed" written all over the...
    96 replies | 39197 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    12th July 2024, 07:51 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    In last night dream I was watching TV with a bunch of other...The TV was those old thick TVs and it was placed on the floor?..There I was sitting I...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    8th July 2024, 05:17 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    In last night dream I was working again in a hospital but this time my friend from real life was communicating with me whilst I am at this hospital...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    4th July 2024, 03:14 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    Last night dream was like cartoon in black and white...this kind of dreams are many many years ago I bean having...It was a big black bear comming up...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    2nd July 2024, 11:52 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    OMG!..I am in tears of happiness here....I will give little background...1994 when I was active member of a church...I partisipated in a circle of...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    2nd July 2024, 06:01 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    29/7-24 Last night dream was strange again....I am in Bulgaria...talking to homeless people...a man ...gypsy...he is keeping him near me...I hear...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    2nd July 2024, 06:00 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    26/7-24 In last night dream my son was sadling a was winter...he asks me if I can ride out with him....I said no because it is winter and...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    2nd July 2024, 05:59 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    25/7-24 In last night dream I was pondering how to make the copy machine work to get text on both sides....It was a document to post to big...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
  • IA56's Avatar
    2nd July 2024, 05:57 AM
    IA56 replied to a thread IA´s dream diary.... in Journals
    24/7-24 In last night dream was again strange....I was dancing in a very strange way with this man...he was shorter then me....we stood infront of...
    1963 replies | 5711991 view(s)
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