View Full Version : OBE Forum
- Raising a child to maintain their OBE activities
- Remote Eye Projection - Control?
- 3rd Eye Open - What does it Look like?
- Robert Bruce's model ... Phasing model
- Weird experience
- Tapping into Creativity within the Astral
- Best chair position for obe?
- nothing happens after the intense vibrations
- a few questions...
- Experience and Follow-up Questions
- I think I have gone to the future...
- Tintling question
- Worthless OBE notes
- demonic attack
- Experienced Astral Projectors Needed
- Something to listen to for Paralysis?
- Projected Double Memory Download
- 3-4 short obes this morning?
- Body awareness sight. really?
- Getting over the hump
- Battle of armageddon - Edgar Cayce prediction
- vip training IAC
- Grounding sheets
- Pop music?
- About no time in the real time zone...
- Newbie epxeriences, skepticism, and questions about AP
- TV Gateway to other Planes?
- Is Detecting Deception Through OBE Possible?
- OBE started with a dream, is it really OBE?
- my obe's scare me
- Death
- Dog with No Head
- Benefits of OBE - particularly benefits after death
- Close encounter
- trance falling technique and exit
- Exit issues- Split from Things to Do
- Are you guys normal:)?
- Doorway to the Astral?
- Trouble with exits...
- Was Robert Monroe a pantheist or a panentheist?
- May have had beginning of experience?
- First post projection
- Asking for comments on progress
- Another place that doesn't have a 'physical' presence
- POLL - Favorite OBE Methods and Recall
- successsssssssss!
- ever feel this?
- First successful AP but who was she?
- Mystery Tour(but not alone)
- AP from WA to AK?
- Interesting comment made by my toddler
- thinking of a song to enter trance state?
- Notice of Update OBE Survey
- A Journey this Morning
- Please tell me it will get easier
- I got out:)
- is someone trying to hurt me?
- Am i doing it right or wrong??
- Please Help!
- Problem when experiencing vibrations, please help
- Was my experience an OBE?
- The archipelago
- How do i consult my guide?
- Gone off flying for a bit
- i saw my daughter:)
- how to access akashic records?
- bed covers pulled off/sleep paralysis
- neg attack
- OBE... or just a dream?
- Osiris' Midnight Round-Up
- What could be stopping me from Astral Projecting and why?
- pulling someone out
- sleep meds and obe
- First OBE?!
- Robert's new OBE program
- Not sure if i had an obe. saw spiders.
- anyone named Dave that APed today?
- Newbie Question ON OBE vibrations & paralysis
- New sensation while attempting obe?
- New OBE's
- Botched OBE
- How often do you project?
- Question about my OBE expirence
- scary and weird experience
- Is a dry spell normal?
- Trance experience - A question
- An OBE question...
- Am I strange, obsessed, or both?
- popping?
- the other night..
- Contacting a guide or a helper
- dream or obe??
- Another Astral Visitor
- Trance Practice Problems
- So, how close am I to astral projecting?
- OBEs or LDs?
- Roadblock to relaxation
- From lucid to obe experience
- Some advice on my progress needed!
- Witnessing a Projection
- Mind split or or allucination?
- First (Possible) AP/OBE Questions
- Is this an OBE or a dream?
- Help my daughter with these Dreamwalkers,please !
- an attack or a lesson?
- if you ever get stuck in your body while exiting, here are some tips
- why after 12 years my obes stopped
- Sensing invisible object while partially out
- Big Brother and the Nebula
- Was this an OBE or LD? (shadow crature)
- unclear images and pulling sensations
- Strange testing while in vibrational state
- Was this a lower astral realm?
- An Astral experience, place of souls?
- My experiences in Sedona
- Frustrated and unmotavated
- For Probable Reality
- White Christmas
- Missed opportunity
- Music
- Black Cat
- repeated patterns
- tried to have obe, had a vision instead?
- Life between life hypnosis session
- Astral Love
- Fireworks
- A little person pulled me out
- second morning in a row!!!
- Partially split, legs and arms out, but stuck
- OBE may lead to missing baby.
- The Nature of Hypnagogic Imagery
- was this a brow centre strobe?
- Raising energy level during the Astral/ OBE
- What was your first Neg you faced in OBE/ Astral and your toughest you fought?
- what to do after ans exit?
- what to do after an exit?
- Astral Projecion Organization
- A helping hand?
- several.nice OBEs this morning.
- Shamans That Astral Project
- SoulSail's 2nd outing. Lower plane experience with lingering questions.
- Not sure what happened.
- OBE during conversation?
- Merkabah technique
- Ethics, Morals and the OBE
- Can't just do it anymore, any suggestions?
- I Made It!!
- Astral Helping Hand
- Animals on the astral: your experience needed, please!
- some questions on my experiences...
- Ironic
- 5th AP/OBE maybe?
- Im out..Woops no Im not
- oh, so close...but no OBE cigar!
- How to keep a companion projector focussed?
- Kinda scared me
- A little help?
- Connecting with guides
- A vote of confidence for my fellow projectors
- Visiting fictional realms
- SoulSail's 4th Outing.
- What's going on here?
- SoulSail's 5th Outing (5 is a good number)
- Need Advice Please
- Full moon tonight.
- Out for the first time.
- I just wanted to wake up
- False awakenings
- Boy in my room
- For What its worth
- Reality fluctuations in Real Time experiences
- NEW Lucidology Video - Feel OBE Like Dissociation While Awake
- Finally Mastered Projection!! But still need a littlel help
- The Value of OBE
- Clairvoyance versus OBE
- 3 experiences last night.
- AP or Dream?
- Strange OBE
- AFTER the 90 days WITH Obe's
- Has anyone had this experience? Weird first (four?) projection(s)
- Need serious help, have someone 'attaching' on the astral plane
- An OBE? Or an OBE that turned into a dream? 4 projections this morning.
- Practice the "Test" as often as possible.
- Amazing experience last night. But, question on clarity.
- Like Cody, OBE turning into a dream?
- 4 different OBE's in a nap
- Super quick OBE this morning.
- Asking guides for help.
- Thoughts slamming me.
- Rare and unnatural symptoms (In DESPERATE need of help)
- Wondering if I been more lucid than full OBE
- Quick question on an OBE I had a while back.
- Machine Elves?
- Help anybody..
- When in OBE... Still have physical sensations?
- Astral Noise
- Loosening techniques and the third eye
- is this clairvoyance?
- I do not understand this.
- Hypnagogic Imagery
- Mind-split while awake?
- A must look for ANYBODY interested in AP/OBE
- leprechaun....Troop Fairies..
- Heart buzzing?
- Copy of A few questions for you
- How to astral project, i am stuck
- Checkerboard Tunnel
- recall at looking at my hands during dreams asking for clarity
- My first experience. I'm looking for answers.
- Getting used to the sensations
- Diary comments
- SoulSailing.
- Cartoon Domain?
- Reflection
- Made a video for anybody struggling with breathing changes during OBE.
- How do I know if someone is astrally visiting me?
- Almost had a successful OBE!
- Trance's brink
- Did I Meet Jesus?
- have a few questions about spirits during OBE or AP's
- Looking for radio show guests
- Intense falling feeling shortly after sleep
- Unable to AP from hypnagogic state
- A little advice needed
- Another imminent projection sign ?
- What the hell....???
- Incredible experience
- Feeling pain while out of body
- Grandfathers NDE
- Last nights expierence
- I need feedback from the members
- Very exciting progress- what do you make of this
- An interesting experience
- Stomach Pain or twitching
- Please help me
- Losing focus during the exit
- 1st time projecting unpleasant
- Memories from the past and spiritual experiences
- Clair Senses...?
- My latest discovered OBE problem
- Overcoming failed exits--my strategy.
- Astral Projection Through Meditation
- Little Girls
- Remote Hearing through OBE
- Strange Experience
- Exit Issues
- meeting resistance
- Question About Spirits/Entities
- Want to get back into obeĀ“ing
- Base chakra pulsating - questions.
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