View Full Version : UFOlogy
- decided to put this
- First time I met a being in the physical
- Think I was abducted last night
- Phil Klass is Dead
- UFO website
- Meet an alien during an astral projection
- UFO over house
- Could anyone go to Area 51
- Britain: an official ufo mystery
- I saw
- Dulce, NM
- Hostile Aliens
- What was this?
- UFO article and video
- Disclosure project
- Children and Aliens
- Ufo contact in the astral, anyone alse?
- They're Made Out of Meat
- News about the Roswell coverup
- Recurring Abduction Attempts
- Beautiful Crop Formation
- An adept willing to investigate?
- Amazing UFO video over Haiti
- On Coast to Coast
- Some of ufos I seen
- The Investigation
- Video of UFO Abduction
- Orange Orbs
- Who Are the Starborns?
- "Historic" UFO Footage
- Encounter with aliens?
- Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO...
- Frightening experiences, forced AP
- Do you know of any ET contact...
- France Releases it's "X-Files"
- Interesting
- Really Interesting
- Area 51 interview videos
- Sudden prevalence of "aliens"
- What is your earliest recollection of contact/aliens?
- New crop-circle depicts Pi
- The Dropa Stones
- Alien Help
- positive abduction experience (I think)
- UFO mystery solved
- UFO chase
- "Aliens Do Exist"? interview
- UK Govt. UFO Files made Public
- The Allies of Humanity
- Is it ok to post experiences of sights here? just in case
- My stories and I hope in the future photos :)
- Can you help me? Who are these guys?
- Is this clouds phenommena or ufo?
- Alien Radio/TV Interception 1977
- Blossom Goodchild's Predicted Mass UFO Sighting
- News report-Incident revealed in declassified files
- Space Travel
- Sightings
- An Experience I can't Quite Explain
- Strange thing in nose
- An interview for UFO enthusiasts
- James Gilliland, ETs and warnings for 2009
- Bob Dean- An Officer and a Gentleman
- China: Dazzling UFO seen and flimed by eight firefighters
- I woul like a site wich reports ufo sightings..
- More UFO stories
- UFO Disclosure
- Out There
- Area-51 Alien technologies
- Interesting Video
- They're Here
- Interesting article by a scientist
- Astral Aliens? Or Sleep Paralysis?
- Whitley's latest Journal Entry
- Things in the sky
- Two UFOs Hovered Next To My Window
- Interesting little blurb...
- Money for Budget
- New Grey Appearance
- Recent crop circles, tall beings spotted
- UFO video (from Robert's blog)
- For abductees under attack
- Greys in 5D
- Alien Abduction
- alien video
- Project Camelot
- First Contact in China?
- Best Crop Circles of 2008
- Orbital Vision
- After Ascension Life on Earth First Contact
- Interesting
- Greys still on planet?
- UFOs shot down over the Persian Gulf
- Crop Circle Litigation
- UFO in Galicia, Spain
- UFO hovering over Oklahoma skies baffles astronomy club
- Michio Kaku
- My strange UFO experience.
- Grey encounter, unpleasant food for thought
- Interview with Bob Lazar
- If the visitors come
- SetiQuest
- Interesting, though it may be controversial
- Invisible Visitors
- Have you notice something strange in the moon?
- Interesting discovery
- Whitley's Journal
- they're here...
- Teleseminar transcript
- Do pleiadans do this things?
- UFO over Canada?
- Spiral UFO multiple sightings Australia
- Disney Video
- Disclosure
- ETs altering our genes?
- Rainbow Body Phase Out - On Video
- Does anyone have any anecdotes on the Men In Black?
- POLL: Are the Greys' intentions good or evil?
- David Sereda Differentials
- Alien Implants- physical evidence
- a lot of sightings recently...
- UFO's in RTZ???
- UFOS in London, November 2010
- evolution vs. creationism
- Quite possibly the "aliens" aren't all bad.
- Pyramids alien connection
- NASA Announcement
- Updates on Orbital Vision
- stick figure alien video
- UFO stuff on Larry King?
- sorry but is anyone knows what is this
- Temple Mount Jerusalem
- UFO contact 2011
- Astral UFO's and aliens of the Cosmic Dreamtime
- UFOs over Japan after Earthquake
- Age of Discovery
- Weird noise over the US
- FBI docs regarding Roswell
- U.F.O. Encounters
- A weird noise over a small georgia town.
- Out of the Blue. UFO Documentary
- RIP Budd Hopkins
- Here We Go Again
- Reptilian Forces Landed in Sweden
- Nasa states they have no idea what these orbs are
- Robert soon to disclose info on alien artifacts and ships?
- The Deceivers
- Cerebral topography of abducted people.
- Hyperbase Website
- Crop Circles reveal higher mathematics & numerology
- Disclosure or Disinfo?
- The latest of Whitley Strieber's Journal
- Is Disclosure happening right before our eyes?
- Moved:Summerlander's beliefs about UFOs
- Sighting, then nightly adventure.
- They denied it ... ;-)
- DNA test evidence for 'alien' species on Earth
- Formation at bottom of Baltic Sea
- British MoD documents
- One more
- Jose Escamilla's new film on the moon
- UFOs & Consciousness (Interview)
- Karla Turner - abductee and ufologist
- Niburu, Aliens and Solar System thoughts
- Check this out! Video
- John Kettler Reports
- UFO photographed by amateur photographer & reportedly seen naked eye by many
- Ships Of Light (Mexico)
- Kilometer long object enters Popacatepetl
- Inexplicata
- UFO "video"
- The Daniel Papers
- Simon Parks - Alien Parents
- Alien Mind book
- Thook - unusual aliens
- A bit weird
- Medvedev : Deadpan joke or . . . ?
- NASA talks about orbs
- Ancient Aliens Debunked (Important Comments!)
- Crash Retrieval 1950s - Huge triangular craft
- Sirius-ly
- "Sort of" interesting UFO video.
- Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (Must Watch!)
- Snowden Reveals UFO Documents
- the #1 documentary series on UFOs.
- evolution
- Check out my short Crop Circle documentary..
- Extraterrestrial Life
- Interview with an experiencer
- Another UFO video
- More UFO stuff
- ¿Comet ISON is not a comet?
- Comet Ison
- Interesting
- Alien abduction
- Audio Interview with Mary Rodwell on Skeptiko-
- Jim Marrs' books
- Documentary?
- Types of alien life-forms
- Documentary
- Braille Crop Circle
- Presidential appointee an UFO disclosure enthusiast
- LOL @ Gone too FARs
- Check this out
- Martian Rock a Fungus?
- Colin Andrew's Website
- Mass sighting. Okinawa. Jan 23 2014
- UFO unplugged
- Another California UFO
- This one is long but good.
- OBE and the visitors
- The newest bunch of hoohah
- The real 4400
- Audio Podcast mp3
- "Mysterious Universe Podcast" about Cattle Mutilations
- UFO Sightings video on YouTube for Jan 2014
- Gigantic "Smoke Ring" In The Sky Over England
- The "Tall Whites" Who are they, what is their plan, and why are they here?
- My great. True experience.
- UFO video- fleet of UFOs flying on the moon?
- NEW, Manifestation and Abduction
- NASA Document
- The Ariel School Encounter
- Whitley's Journal: Where is everybody?
- Strange Dream?
- Low frequency humming
- Aug 12 Sighting over Houston
- A little piece of history: The Indrid Cold Interview
- UFO video (exopolitics) with other stuff
- No Aliens says "scientist"
- Deathbed Disclosure: Photographic Evidence of ET's & UFOs
- Scientist proposes Nuclear Catastrophe in Ancient Mars!
- Whitley's Journal: Interstellar- Check it out
- Document about interdimensional realities.
- Video by Dr. Steven Greer
- Mass event in March
- Pancakes
- RIP Leonard Nimoy; Gene Roddenberry channeled material.
- Ancient Aliens
- The Moon: The Lunar Wave Phenomenon
- Video
- Dr John Mack (Psychologist): "Experiencers" Documentary
- Pyramid on Ceres
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